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Luhan woke up in a very fluffy bed, his limbs sinking into soft foam and his head nestled softly on a squishy pillow. All the fluff made him feel comfy and warm, like he was huddled close to his mother's fur, cradled by her reassuring scent and her soothing warmth. He whined softly and tried to move deeper into the bubble of warmth, but a sharp pain in his abdomen had his eyes shooting open, a snarl ripping from his throat.

"You're awake."

The voice made him shoot up into a sitting position, looking around the room before the pain caught up and he hunched over, whimpering. Hands were upon him in the next instant and he was quickly pushed back down on the bed, his head falling back into the fluffy pillow.

Luhan bit his lip and looked up, his breath hitching as he came dangerously close to no one else's face but Kris's. It hadn't been a dream; Kris had come to rescue him from death. Kris had come to save him from that Alpha and had even carried him across campus to the infirmary, where he quickly realized was where he was. Kris was there, Kris saved him...

"How are you feeling?" the powerful Alpha sked, leaning away and looking at Luhan curiously. Luhan just gulped, feeling heat fill his cheeks.

"I-I'm alright," he managed to stutter out, looking away out of embarrassment. He heard Kris chuckle and then the other Alpha was on his feet, walking around his bed and grabbing a liquid bottle the color of grass. Luhan stared at it and scowled, realizing it was a regenerative potion meant to help him heal faster.

Kris offered him the drink and Luhan choked down his will to gag as he opened his mouth, allowing the sickly green liquid slide down his throat. Regen Tonic was often a great asset to have in a community of powerful, always-fighting wolves, but it tasted like dirty laundry and skunks. Still, he couldn't complain much on the taste since he could already feel his abdomen loosening up, the painful throbbing receding to a light soreness. When he felt well enough to sit up, he shoved the blanket aside and swung his legs over the bed, landing on the ground with a soft thump and stretching a little. His abdomen felt much better, just a light pain if he prodded along his muscles. He nodded, sighing unhappily before turning to Kris, keeping his eyes on the bed.

"T-thanks," he murmured. "For saving me back there."

"It's not a problem," Kris replied back easily, bowing his head slightly. "Suho asked me to help a friend in need, and any friend of Suho's is a friend of mine. Besides, fighting within the school halls is forbidden. That other boy should have known that."

Luhan felt his cheeks flare with red again, and he toyed with his fingers, fighting a bashful smile. He couldn't believe that of all people, the one to help him would beKris. Kris, the strongest Alpha on campus, the one Alpha every Omega wanted to have, the one Alpha who practically ruled the school with a snap of his fingers. Luhan idolized him, and forever and ever, he had wished to be Kris's Omega. He knew the Alpha was soft and kind, strong but gentle. His puppy-love crush wasn't going to just go away because he was an Alpha too, and to be in Kris's presence was such an honor Luhan almost swooned. He almost wished he wasn't already Bonded just so he could flirt his way into Kris's heart.

Of course, that thought came and passed immediately, along with intense guilt at the thought of thinking such things. Luhan was an Alpha and he was Bonded, and Alphas Bonded for life; Once Sehun had passed on, He would never find another Mate. Sehun would be his one and only, and honestly, if Sehun died, so would Luhan. As an Imprinted Bond, one couldn't live without the other. Despite not being very close to Sehun, Luhan wanted to honor their Bond and keep himself pure for his sweet Omega. Sehun deserved that much.

"Feeling better?" Kris asked, walking back to his side. Luhan blushed and nodded timidly, trying to control his heartbeat. Kris chuckled and ruffled his hair, and Luhan almost fell to the ground with how badly his knees were wobbling. He could tell himself he was going to be loyal all he wanted, but years of crushing on Kris weren't going to evaporate into thin air. "You should run along. You slept through your last period, and lunch starts in fifteen; I'm pretty sure you have an Omega who's waiting for you."

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