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"Come on, Lay, at least let me write I'm a loser on his forehead. This is the perfect opportunity, he's lying right there, just waiting for me to do it."

"That is my best friend, young man, you will do no such thing to his face."

"Besides, Jongin, I'd like to believe Luhan is quite the opposite of a loser. He took on three fully grown Alphas on his own and nearly killed them."

"Yeah, you do have a good point..."

"Of course I have a good point. Though I suppose I'm going to have to let go of my title as the strongest Alpha on campus...that's certainly frustrating."

"Oh hush. Your Alpha worries are pointless and bothersome. My best friend is lying dead to the world right here and you're butthurt about losing your title?"

"I'm...not that...dead to the world..."

There was a hush over Luhan's bedside as he slowly opened his eyes, giving himself a few seconds to adjust before smiling cheekily at his three friends crowded around him. "Hi."

Kris, Lay, and Jongin smiled in relief and settled down in the chairs around his bedside, each patting some body part of his as greeting. Luhan laughed at their faces, smiling through his drug induced haze and groggily lifting a hand up to cover his mouth as he yawned.

"Welcome back," Lay greeted warmly. Luhan flashed him a smile.

"How long was I out this time?" he asked, blinking his eyes until his vision cleared completely. Lay smiled sympathetically.

"About a day. You lost a lot of blood, so you passed out pretty fast, but the doctors pumped you up with some more and stitched up your cuts while you were unconscious," he explained. "You got ten in your forehead, five or six in your ankles, and three on your lip. Your arm's broken and you've got a couple broken ribs, but otherwise, you're doing fine."

"Wow," Luhan whistled, surprised at the sheer number. "I got beat up bad."

"You should see the other guys," Jongin chirped excitedly, and Luhan could see an excited gleam in his eyes as he hopped up and down, hands pressed into the mattress. "You broke one guy's neck, gave the other one brain damage, and put the third on in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Not that it matters, they were publicly executed yesterday."

Luhan mulled the information over with a shiver. He didn't know he had that much power. The wolf was holding back on him.

I'm holding back on you? the wolf cried out in outrage, and Luhan could feel how weak it was, as well. We almost died, you stupid idiot, and if it wasn't for our primal instincts to protect Mate from harm, he would have been forced into Mating with one of those creeps!

Luhan jerked at the information as the memories suddenly flew into his mind, filling in the black holes from before. He could remember falling, the strength in his body all but completely gone, the dark haze of unconsciousness trying it's best to claim him. There was a moment of unconsciousness, but then...through the darkness...Luhan could hear it. Sehun, somewhere far away, was calling out to him, begging for help, and he could barely open his eyes and he could see those Alphas on his Mate, trying to mount his Mate, trying to take what belonged to him...and it had pissed him off to the highest degree.

He closed his eyes and dispelled the shards of his scattered memory, not wanting to see the carnage he had left behind once the fight was over. Instead, he glanced up at his friends, frowning deeply when he realized one person in particular, the one person Luhan really wanted to see, was not present.

"Where's Sehun?" he demanded sharply. Lay and Jongin shared a knowing look, and Kris laughed.

"We kicked him out to get something to eat. The kid was trying to starve himself again," Kris explained. Luhan frowned, disliking the idea of Sehun skipping out on meals to stay by his bedside, but he suddenly paled at the thought of Sehun running off to get food all on his own. They'd just suffered an attack, what if Sehun got jumped again? Luhan wouldn't even know about it, he'd be stuck in bed with all his stitches and drugs and he wouldn't be able to save him again -

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