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When Luhan came to, he opened his eyes to see the familiar sights of the school infirmary around him. Briefly, he wondered how he had gotten there, but the day's events were quick to fill the blanks in his memory; the tournament, the attack, his transformation. Knowledge of the events only brought a headache to his temple and he groaned quietly, not wanting to focus on what had happened.

Now that he was consciously aware of what had happened, he began to grow more conscious of the throbbing in his bones. His body hurt all over - it seemed like every single muscle he had was sore, and the strength in his body was nonexistent. There was a particular throbbing sensation on his collarbone, but that was to be expected. Thankfully, it seemed like the Healers had already gone to work setting the bone back in place, and his arm was safely snug in a sling. Above all, however, Luhan's throat was burning, dryer than a desert. He needed some water.

There were no sounds around him except the steady breathing of another beside him, deep and even, as if whoever it was, was asleep. Luhan didn't want to wake the other by calling out for help, but he didn't really see much else of a choice. He felt a little bad as he cried out; The sound that escaped into the air was hoarse and cracked, but did the job and gained someone's attention. Thankfully, his slumbering roommate did not stir.

The sound of wheels on a chair came from beyond the curtain, followed by footsteps. In moments, Healer Ruu was pulling the curtains aside, and a wide, relieved smile spread across his face. "Good morning, sunshine."

Luhan couldn't speak. Instead, he used his good arm to point at his throat, trying to explain his situation. Healer Ruu thankfully understood and poured him a glass, helping him drink every last drop. Luhan could feel the water revitalizing him, and he felt better already.

"You have many people waiting to see you," Healer Ruu explained quietly with a small smile. Luhan paid him no mind.

"Is Head Alpha ok? What about Kris? Did any of the Northerners get into the school?" he asked, concerned. Healer Ruu chuckled and shushed him.

"Everyone is fine. Some did attack the school, but most of our warriors were stationed here, and were able to fight them off," he explained. "Kris is resting in the bed beside yours. You both overexerted yourselves in the battle, and your bodies needed to recover."

Luhan relaxed a little. It was reassuring to hear that no one within the school was truly hurt.

"Where is my Sehun?" he asked next, wanting to feel his Mate's presence beside him. Healer Ruu smiled softly.

"He should be in your room. He's been wanting to be by your side, but Head Alpha had ordered everyone to return to their rooms for the time being. He wants to be sure the threat is completely eradicated, and he'd like to remove the bodies from the auditorium before anyone could possibly see them."

"Can I see him? Can you get him?" he croaked, giving Healer Ruu a pleading look. The Healer only smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry, Luhan. That will have to wait, Head Alpha wanted to see you the moment you were awake. We must get you to his office immediately," he explained. Luhan deflated, disappointed, but curious about what Head Alpha could want from him.

He complied to Healer Ruu's wishes and did his best to help the Healer move him into a wheelchair, but it proved difficult with how boneless Luhan felt. Healer Ruu explained that the drugs he had given Luhan were very powerful, and more or less, he would not be able to move propery for another few hours. Still, he had just enough energy to hoist himself off of the bed and into the chair. Healer Ruu helped him get situated before he quickly wheeled Luhan out of the infirmary.

The halls of the school were deathly silent. Luhan figured that it was due to the command that everyone stay in their rooms, but the silence was a little unnerving. Luhan could only listen to the constant squeak of the wheels underneath him.

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