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Luhan never would have imagined himself in a room full of Reporters, but somehow, here he was, sitting stiff in a white folding chair with his hands curled into fists on his lap.

He still didn't know what was happening to him. Headmaster Cid had called for him and Sehun at a very early time in the morning and he was rushed out of the school at five AM, groggy and lost on what was happening, only to get thrust into a shiny black van and carted away. Sehun, who was never a morning person to begin with, grumbled the entire way there and snapped at every living thing that tried to come near him, Luhan included - it posed for a very awkward thirty minute car ride into the heart of the city, and when they finally arrived at wherever they were going, they were thrust into a sea of paparazzi.

Luhan had gotten so dizzy he almost passed out from all the flashing lights, his mind still half-asleep and his body lethargically trying to pull him along. The security that was given to him weren't doing much to help him, either - sure, they held the reporters back, but Luhan was practically dead on his feet and Sehun was no better. Still, somehow, they managed to move themselves into what appeared to be City Hall, and without much of an explanation, he was carted into a large room and placed in a white chair in front of a long table covered in a white table cloth, Sehun by his side.

When the clock struck seven in the morning the questions began to flow like a waterfall, pounding over Luhan's head relentlessly until he was seeing stars. How does it feel to be the first Imprinted pair in two centuries? What was the initial Imprinting process like for the both of you? Was it hard adjusting from your former lifestyle as an Omega? How has your training been for your role as Alpha?The questions never ended.

Thankfully, Headmaster Cid took the seat beside him and quieted the horrifyingly loud crowd when Luhan looked like he was ready to pass out. He forced every reporter and healer and god knows who else to take a seat in the large auditorium, and he called for order with a simple pound of his fist. When the room was quiet, he gave Luhan an apologetic glance.

"I would have warned you, Han," he whispered to him softly as Luhan stared out into the sea of people staring back at him. "But the media demanded your...debut, and would not let me hold back the date any longer."

Luhan said nothing, his head spinning like a top. It was too early for him to function and he just simply wasn't understanding a single thing that was happening around him. He barely knew where he was, let alone what he was doing; who were these people? Why did it even matter? He would much rather be preparing for his morning classes with Sehun than sitting in this room with all of these people.

Headmaster Cid coughed from beside him, pulling his seat forward and crossing his fingers over the table. Luhan glanced at him, his head still spinning, and he noticed a collection of other full grown Alphas taking seats beside him, and beside Sehun; his eyes narrowed in confusion before he suddenly realized exactly what was happening.

"The press conference will begin shortly, please find your seats."

Luhan winced. He was trapped in a Press Conference with the Head Alpha and the Alpha Council, the Pack's leaders for all intents and purposes, and in the audience lied hundreds of healers and reporters. They were all gathered for one thing - and that thing was him.

Still dazed, he robotically turned his head to Sehun, seeing the younger boy now hunched in his seat, avoiding eye contact with every and anyone, his fingers tapping anxiously on his thigh. The sight made Luhan unthaw from his stupor and he reached out to take Sehun's fingers into his own, squeezing some warmth into them. The Omega looked up in surprise, but he smiled thankfully and inched his chair over, slowly moving his way to Luhan's side. Luhan knew the reporters were eating it up, but he cared little, wanting Sehun to be comfortable. Well, as comfortable as possible with millions of people staring at them.

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