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Luhan was in deep, deep slumber when Sehun's parents arrived at their bedroom.

Sehun was overjoyed with the prospect of his Alpha parents receiving permission to enter the Omega dorms to visit. He had been restless the entire night because of it, and as a result, ended up irritating Luhan enough to make the Alpha roll away from him and curl up close to the wall. Sehun paid him no mind, merely acted as the big spoon, nuzzling into Luhan's back as he slept on. By morning, Sehun was nearly bursting at the seams, waiting patiently in bed while pushing Luhan's hair away from his face. The Alpha was still snoring peacefully when there was a soft knock on the door, and Sehun scrambled to get it.

He immediately brought his finger to his lips as he came face to face with his mother. Peering behind him to make sure Luhan hadn't stirred, he gently opened the door and allowed his family inside. "Han is still asleep. He needs to rest for Friday's match."

Sehun's mother smiled and nodded her head. "He's fighting very well for someone without much experience. He actually fights a lot like your father, very fast on his feet."

Mr. Oh stepped forward, bouncing his sleeping daughter on his hip. "A lot stronger than me, though. I'm really proud of you, son, you've landed yourself a nice one."

"Dad," Sehun moaned in embarrassment, shoving him aside. He herded all of them away from the bedside and into the next room, letting them get comfortable on the couches. When they were all situated, Sehun crouched before his sisters and gave them big hugs.

"My babies," he cooed, pulling away to ruffle their hair. "Are you being good at home now that Sehun Oppa isn't there?"

Both pups nodded their heads. The smaller of the two scrawled off the couch and fitted herself on Sehun's lap. "I am good, Oppa! But I miss you so much!"

"Oh Hyeri, I miss you too," he murmured, kissing her nose. The other pup fought Hyeri for a place on Sehun's thigh, so he hoisted her up. "And of course, I miss my Minah."

"The girls were so excited to see you again," Mrs. Oh murmured, ruffling Minah's hair. "They were devastated when you first left."

Sehun made a sad face and squeezed his little sisters tighter. The girls molded to him. "What about the boys? How have they been?"

Mr. Oh glanced to the other sofa to his two other sons, who were fidgeting, just waiting for their chance to pounce on their older brother. Sehun grinned and gently set Hyeri and Minah down, opening his arms for the two Alphas.

The shorter of the two ran forward immediately and nearly knocked Sehun onto his back. The other was more reserved, pouting and turning away with an indifferent face. Sehun chuckled. "Jonghyun, come say hi to your hyung! I missed you, you little punk!"

The other Alpha sighed but happily walked forward, getting tugged into Sehun's arms. "My Alpha boys, how is school going?"

"We've been doing good, hyung," Jonghyun grumbled. "Minhyuk and I are on course to come here in four years."

"I can't believe you two are fifteen already," Sehun cooed, ruffling their hair. "You're going to be big strong Alphas like mom and dad, huh?"

Minhyuk shook his head. "No way! I want to be like Luhan hyung!"

Jonghyun snorted. "I want to be better!"

"You can't be better than Luhan Oppa if he's Sehun Oppa's Mate!" Hyeri barked angrily, clambering back to Sehun and clinging to his leg. Sehun chuckled at them and held them all apart when they started growling at each other.

"Stop it," he commanded lightly. "Come on, you guys need to meet Luhan before you can decide if you want to be better than him. Remember, being an Alpha isn't all about how strong you are, it's about how you treat others as well."

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