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Healer Ruu paced back and forth in front of Luhan as Lay tried desperately to comfort his panicked best friend. It was a long five minutes before the esteemed Healer stopped and turned to look at him, determination shining through his eyes.

"There's no way of knowing whether you've impregnated Sehun or not," he said quickly, making Luhan's head shoot up, desperate. "I'll need you to bring Sehun here."

"But Healer, Sehun is in heat! If he's taken out of his room, he'll have Alphas pouncing on him in a heartbeat," Lay rationalized, looking down at Luhan with a frown. Healer Ruu hummed in acknowledgement.

"I'll need you to spritz him with enough Concealing Mist to disguise the scent for the short trip, and find someone to assist you, maybe Lay. If you run into any trouble, get Sehun to me as quickly as you can before you try to challenge him or her."

Luhan nodded quickly. He was desperate for anything at the moment, anything to save Sehun's innocence and prolong his life within the Pack. He'd do anything at all, and if Healer Ruu wanted him to bring Sehun to the Infirmary, then god damn he was going to do it. He nodded once to the Healer as well as to Lay before standing up, quickly moving to the door. Lay followed him silently, offering a sad smile.

"I'm sorry for not telling you, Luhan. Sehun told me not to," he said in a whisper. Luhan shook his head, swiping his eyes to clean them of tears.

"It's alright," he said hoarsely. "Just help me now, please."

"Of course," Lay answered kindly, running by his side back to the Omega dorms and rushing to the door. Luhan stopped, his hand shaking over the doorknob as he took in a shaky breath and plugged his nose. Lay followed him closely from behind.

Once the door was closed again, Sehun came scrambling out of the bed sheets, slamming into Luhan like a truck and sending him barreling backwards into the wall. Luhan barely managed to protect him from hitting his head on the door and he hissed as pain rippled across his back and shoulders, but he forgot about it completely as Sehun cuddled into him, crying against his chest.

"I'm s-sorry! I don't hate you, A-alpha, I didn't mean it!" he whimpered, looking up at Luhan with tears spilling from his eyes, his ears pressed back against his head. Luhan felt his chest constrict at the sight of the light waterfalls from Sehun's eyes and he immediately pulled him close, brushing his hair down and kissing behind his ear. Sehun tightly coiled himself around Luhan's body, unaware of their audience.

Lay decided to make himself known by clearing his throat, folding his arms over his chest and looking down on them sternly. Luhan was thankful Sehun had the decency to put on pants while he was waiting for Luhan to return. "Oh Sehun, you better tell me why you're in heat right now, especially when I've been feeding you enough suppressants to stop your heats for the next three years."

Sehun looked up from Luhan and shrunk down guiltily, sniffling and tightening his grip on his Alpha in an attempt to keep protected. "L-Lay hyung, I didn't...I wanted..."

Lay held his hand up, silencing Sehun immediately. "Stop talking, Sehun. Give me an exact reason why you're in this state right now."

Tears gathered behind Sehun's eyes once more and he turned his head back to Luhan's chest, hiding in his sweatshirt and sobbing quietly. Suddenly defensive, Luhan coiled his arms around his Mate and growled lowly at Lay, his fur bristling unhappily. Lay just stepped back and raised his hands up in defeat, sighing.

"Luhan, open your eyes. Sehun's pheromones are affecting you, and right now you need to stop and look at the situation," he reasoned, but Luhan had no intention of letting Lay interrogate Sehun any longer. He only narrowed his eyes and barred his teeth in a threatening manner, forcing Lay to take another step back.

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