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Neither of them said anything, walking silently through the empty hallways back towards the dorms, having been excused from class for the remainder of the day to recover from the great amount of knowledge that had been thrust upon them. The only sound happened to come from the soft padding of their footsteps, frighteningly in synchronization with each other, left, right, left, right down the hall and through the connecting corridors.

Luhan couldn't wrap his mind around anything. He felt empty, like a blank canvas without even a speck of paint on it - there was nothing for him to think, nothing for him to say. His entire life was a bitter lie. He was an Alpha; a top dog, a head honcho, a leader amongst leaders. He wasn't made to be submissive, as he'd practiced his entire life. He wasn't made to secrete pheromones that attracted Alphas to him. He wasn't made to patiently wait for an Alpha to claim him as an Omega, he was made to do the claiming.

The echoing footsteps beside him reminded him that he'd already crossed that line, binding himself to the lanky Omega with silver hair that insisted on walking with at least a foot of space between them. He couldn't believe his horrible luck; in the same day he'd discovered his hidden blood genes, he'd claimed himself an Omega,imprinted on him no less.

He felt bad for Sehun, as well. It couldn't be fun coming to LUOW to find out you'd just been claimed by a complete stranger who was going through a blood identity crisis. The poor boy was under aged as well, which meant he hadn't been expecting the claim at all - in a way, Luhan felt like he'd taken Sehun's freedom without consent, and it made him feel guilty. More than guilty. If an Alpha had taken him by force back when he still assumed he was an Omega, he'd be miserable - poor Sehun was probably unsure of what to do with his life now.

As the duo ascended to the third floor in the Omega dorm building, Sehun suddenly stopped and turned to look at him. Surprised, Luhan paused as well, waiting for what his Omega - good god, he still couldn't get over that, hisOmega - would say. "I don't...I don't know where to go."

"To you room?" Luhan asked, just as confused. Sehun frowned and shook his head, directing his gaze to his toes.

"I...Headmaster Cid..." he mumbled, fidgeting awkwardly before stepping closer, his frown growing more prominent as Luhan's heart began to beat faster. Damn his new Alpha hormones, and damn Sehun's wonderful,wonderful scent. "He said to stick to you...or else I'd...die..."

Luhan blinked at him and he couldn't help but smile softly, unconsciously reaching a hand out and petting Sehun's silver locks. The younger boy leaned into the touch and made a soft noise of content. "I'm sure you'd be fine, Sehun. This is the Omega Dorms, after all. No Alphas allowed, outside of Dorm Rep Suho, but he's a sweetheart."

Sehun pulled his gaze upwards. "Then what will you do? Don't you live here too?"

Luhan opened his mouth but closed it soon after in slight panic. Sehun was right; Luhan wasn't an Omega anymore, he was an Alpha. Yet, his room with Yixing was in the Omega Dorms - all his stuff was there, and all his memories. He'd lived on this floor for three years. He'd shared the Omegas showers with other Omegas, the Omega bathrooms with other Omegas, and even the common room; but that was before he'd learned he was actually an Alpha. What would he do now? He knew all the other Omegas trusted him, looked to him for guidance even, but what would they all think of him now that he was revealed to be an Alpha infiltrating their living space? There was no way he'd be allowed back into his old room.

"I...I guess I'll go ask Suho," Luhan mused, frowning. Sehun frowned as well, but he nodded, fidgeting once more as Luhan retracted his hand.

"Should...should I come with you?" he asked quietly, cocking an eyebrow. Luhan shrugged in response, frowning. It wouldn't hurt, he supposed; Sehun could be his witness, his proof that Luhan wasn't just trying to sneak into the Alpha dorms. At that thought, Luhan nodded, smiling softly when Sehun made a motion for him to lead the way. He turned back down the stairs, cautiously listening for Sehun's footsteps before trotting back into the lobby and exiting the building.

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