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A week had passed and Sehun was still nagging Jongin about being careless.

"I still can't believe you went all out on him," the Omega hissed, glaring daggers into Jongin's soul while furiously picking apart today's serving of lamb stew with a slab of toast. "He just got out of the infirmary and you still didn't hold back? Are you an idiot? No, don't answer that, I already know the answer, because you are!"

Luhan had given up defending Jongin long ago. His request for Jongin to go all out on him during his private dueling lesson the week prior had been a rather bad idea - Jongin was a very clever fighter with movements faster than Luhan could follow and a bite that hurt more than Luhan expected. Plus, when Jongin decided that he wasn't going to hold back, he truly didn't hold anything back; Luhan ended up sporting more bruises and tallying up losses than anything, and in the end he'd learned barely anything other than how to properly block a frontal assault. It was a little embarrassing; Jongin had teased him relentlessly over his incredibly bad reaction time and wondered out loud many times on how Luhan had defeated Zy, the fourth year Alpha with years and years of fighting under his belt. By the end of their session, Luhan had been wondering the same.

Sehun was not amused with either of them when they arrived for lunch with Luhan looking like he'd been run over by a truck and Jongin sporting a happy, friendly grin. He'd lashed out on them both in front of everyone in the cafeteria, his anger flaring so strongly he'd gone into half-transformation and clawed holes into Jongin's shirt. It was a sight to see; Luhan had never been more afraid of anything in his life, and it seemed like Jongin thought similarly since they were both cowered into the floor, flinching every time Sehun so much as lifted a finger. Jongin had to swear never to lay a harmful finger on Luhan again and Luhan had to swear he'd stop being an idiot. Even though he wanted to correct Sehun and tell him he was only trying to grow stronger for his sake, he kept his mouth shut and obeyed Sehun wordlessly to avoid punishment.

The whole week had been rough for both of them, though Luhan honestly couldn't complain as much as Jongin. Sehun chewed him out often, but in the end he was sweeter than honey and showed enough compassion and concern for Luhan that it almost drowned him. He knew parts of Sehun were still acting under guilt for his earlier actions in the beginning stages of their Bond, but he couldn't complain. Every night Sehun rubbed salve into Luhan's collection of bruises (including the new ones Jongin had inflicted upon him) and bid him goodnight. Every morning, Luhan would wake up to find Sehun curled unto his side, cutely asking for a couple extra minutes of rest. Every day, Luhan would walk Sehun to his class, and every day, he'd receive a tight goodbye hug from him at the door. Every day, he'd experience a round of nagging from the young Omega at lunch (usually because Luhan tended to overexert himself in his classes and come sporting new bruises; Sehun really wasn't fond of bruises) and then every day, he would walk with Sehun to their Dependency class, where they'd have whispered conversations together with other Bonded pairs. They'd walk home together after class, get ready for bed, and the cycle would repeat.

Luhan could feel Sehun warming up to him, much to his pleasure. Though Sehun still liked to pretend that he didn't care as much as his actions entailed, Luhan knew it wasn't true; at times, he could catch Sehun staring at him with gentle eyes, before he'd realize what he was doing and he'd quickly turn away. He'd caught Sehun hugging one of his sweaters to his chest one day, breathing in the scent clinging to the fabric. One night, he'd even managed to catch Sehun in the act of crossing the short distance between their beds and climbing under Luhan's covers. Sehun remained increasingly stubborn whenever Luhan called him out on such actions, but he was content with what he was receiving nonetheless.

Luhan couldn't resist his own budding feelings for the tenacious brat as well. Even though his heart still skipped a beat whenever Kris was present with him, the feelings he had for Sehun felt so much stronger. Maybe it was their Bond speaking for him, but Luhan knew he had somethingfor Sehun whether it be like or love or simple protectiveness. Everything Sehun did enraptured Luhan's attention and he couldn't help but fall for the boy, especially when he was being sweet and cute. Sometimes, the thought scared him, but other times, Luhan allowed the feelings to crash over him like tidal waves. Sehun was the only person he should love, regardless of the way he felt for his former Alpha crush.

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