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Luhan awoke to the blaring of his alarm, which he didn't even remember setting. Panicked, he shot to his feet immediately, stumbling slightly on his way to the closet.

When he was met with a hard wall with no entry points available, he blinked his eyes open in confusion, staring at the blank space in front of him without understanding. "Lay, where did our closet go?"

He received no answer, so he turned around to shake his best friend awake when he took in the sight of the room, his jaw dropping as he came to full alertness. He suffered through a very unfortunate ah-ha! moment and frowned, rubbing his eyes and leaning against the wall behind him.

"Right," he muttered to himself, covering a yawn with his hands. "Not an Omega anymore."

His alarm continued to blare a loud wakeup call from his bedside table, but only Luhan seemed to hear it - the other occupant of the room remained dead to the world, and Luhan felt a little bad leaving the tone on for so long. He closed his eyes sleepily and padded back to his bed, switching the alarm off before collapsing back on his pillow. He didn't want to deal with classes on top of everything else suddenly resting on his shoulders. He didn't want to even think about getting himself ready for his eight AM lecture. Hell, he probably wasn't even a student of his eight AM lecture anymore - that class was an Omega level class, meaning now, as an Alpha, he was forbidden from entering it.

He opened his eyes partly and groaned into the fluff of his pillow. What the hell was he supposed to do?

As he laid waiting for his life to give him a sign and point him in the right direction, he realized something. Thoughhe wasn't going to be late for his eight AM Omega based class, his Omega was. He groaned in frustration and sat back up, keeping his eyes closed to the bright sunlight and stumbling over to the other bed. When his shins made contact, he bent over the creature resting there, ready to shake him to consciousness.

That was, until that wonderful scent wafted up into his nose and made him salivate. God, did Sehun smell nice; he smelled even nicer in the morning, like sleep had replenished all of his pheromones and made them extra potent. He sucked in a greedy breath of it and cursed, moving so he was towering over the other. He leaned down with his eyes still closed and pulled the covers aside, tentatively leaning his nose closer to the scent, pressing his forehead against Sehun's jaw and inhaling deeply. He could feel his eyes rolling back into his head behind his lids and shivers rippled down his spine. Unable to resist, he pressed himself further and licked at the skin on Sehun's neck.

The Omega below him squirmed, and suddenly Sehun was cracking his eyes open, blinking in the light. Luhan didn't mind, continuing to taste the flesh around Sehun's neck, inhaling the scent that was so overpowering it was almost addiction-worthy. Sehun sighed contently and tilted his head aside.

"A-alpha," he whimpered, and he seemed to catch sight of Luhan's wrist beside his nose, leaning up to gently lick it before nuzzling into it. "Luhan..."

"Mmm," Luhan hummed back, nosing his way back up to Sehun's hair. His free hand came up to curl around his ears sitting atop his skull, tugging lightly before reaching upwards and tugging on one with his teeth. Sehun whined.

He pulled back to gaze at the beautiful creature below him, taking in the hectic bed hair and hazy, sleep-filled eyes. Sehun was still rubbing his cheek along the inside of Luhan's wrist, and occasionally, his pretty silver ears twitched; it was endearing, sweet even. Luhan couldn't help but admire him, once again petting behind Sehun's ears, satisfied with the affection he was willingly giving.

Slowly, he managed to come to his senses. Shaking his head, he withdrew both of his hands and stood up tall, ignoring the way Sehun reached out for him. "It's morning, Sehun. You need to get to class."

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