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Luhan opened his eyes to find himself back in his room, rolled up in a blanket.

Jesus, he thought bitterly as bits and pieces of his past few hours blurrily crossed his mind. He couldn't remember much - Jongin, Kris, a forest, lots and lots of blurring green and brown. He attacked something...Jongin was being dumb...Kris told him he was ready to attend classes with everyone else...He passed his little lesson...and then...and then...

"Oh god," he groaned, bringing his hands up to his head and covering his eyes. "Sehun, I know you're here, I'm so sorry."

Sehun made a small noise somewhere to his right, and he heard Lay chime in a chuckle. "It's ok."

"That stupid wolf," he grumbled, sitting up and shaking his head. "I knew that was a bad idea."

Sehun fidgeted, the movement catching Luhan's eye. He turned over to see the boy sitting on his bed, holding Luhan's clothes in his hands. He held them out without a word, and Luhan took them, grateful. He pulled the sweatshirt over his head and ruffled his hair, sighing.

"I did some dumb things. Oh gosh, I did some dumb things..." he grumbled, standing up to pull on his briefs and his pants. When he was fully dressed, he faced Sehun, who'd turned away to respect Luhan's privacy.

"I'm sorry, Sehun. I went hunting, Kris and Jongin made me change, the wolf isn't really...me," he said quietly, reaching out to cup Sehun's cheek. Sehun looked up at him, leaning into his palm before he nodded quietly.

"I know. I understand it. Mine thinks for itself too," he whispered. Luhan looked at him in surprise, crouching down so he was eye level with Sehun and trying to look into his eyes. Sehun looked up after a few seconds of thought, and Luhan could see he was being truthful. They truly were in this together, all the way to the end. He smiled at the irony, leaning his forehead against Sehun's and closing his eyes. The only person in the world who could help him find answers, and Sehun had the same questions as he did.

"Your sweetness with each other is cavity inducing, you're so cute as an Alpha, Luhan," Lay chirped, breaking the moment. Luhan opened his eyes and scowled, pulling free from Sehun and giving him a sour look. He'd kind of forgotten Lay was even in the room.

He decided not to be rude. "Hey, Lay."

"Hey yourself," Lay responded, crossing his arms. "Do you know how bad you scared me? I wake up to news that you'd gotten in a really bad fight, and when I visit you in the Infirmary, you're practically dead and you don't wake up for three days. I thought I told you to take care of yourself."

Luhan frowned and heaved a sigh, deciding to sit himself beside Sehun and takie his hand so he could play with the Omega's fingers. "I don't even remember what happened, Lay. Honestly, it's like this big black hole in my life."

"You mean to say that you don't remember kicking another Alpha's ass and then passing out from overexertion and extensive injuries?" Lay deadpanned, looking a little skeptical. Luhan sighed and shook his head, smiling apologetically.

"I don't. I remember going to class and then waking up in the Infirmary, nothing in between," Luhan murmured.

"That is so strange," Lay murmured, now looking puzzled. Luhan shrugged, looking up to his friend with a small smile.

"I know. It's alright though, I'm fine. I have bruises, but I'm fine," he reassured. "Now, I owe Sehun dinner. We should go."

Sehun squeezed his hand and stood up, immediately releasing Luhan's hand and bowing his head. Luhan felt a little empty without the feeling, but he brushed it off. Baby steps with Sehun. Baby steps.

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