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Sehun's eyes were wide as he digested the words, tilting his head in surprise. "Court me?"

The words sounded bitter on Luhan's tongue, and having them repeated out loud by Sehun just made Luhan want to flinch away and curl up. He was once so sure he was the one to be courted, and now he had to go ahead and try and do the courting...it was difficult to come to terms with, but he knew it was the right thing to do. Sehun deserved to fall in love and truly give himself up to someone he cared about, not be forced into a relationship against his will. Luhan wasn't going to just sit back and watch him suffer, either. He was going to do his best to make Sehun proud of him. The wolf agreed happily, already throwing out ideas on how to make Sehun fall for him; Luhan rejected each one, swearing to himself that he would handle things on his own.

"I know it sounds strange, but I'm willing to try," he said quietly, and Sehun made a quiet noise, pressing his forehead into Luhan's shoulder.

"But you...Aren't you...like an Omega?" Sehun squeezed out, unable to form proper words. Luhan lifted his hand, flinching at the pain in his shoulder, and brought it to Sehun's head, petting his hair down.

"I'm an Alpha, though, and I want to work hard to be yourAlpha," he said, his voice stronger, though it still sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince Sehun.

Sehun lifted his head and looked straight into the determination brimming in Luhan's eyes before he let out a small chuckle, his voice relieved and amused all at once. "Silly, you already are my Alpha. I've come to terms with that."

The words warmed Luhan's heart considerably, and he smiled a goofy grin, though he tried to hold it down. "No, I don't want to be your Alpha just because of this Bond. I don't want to be someone you're forced to put up with, I want to be someone you can look up to. I want to be someone you can...love."

Sehun's eyes widened and he blinked, looking away to try and hide a blush as he tightened his hold around Luhan's shoulders. He said nothing, but Luhan could feel the pounding of his heart in Sehun's wrist, could feel the way his words affected the reluctant Omega. He could see the bashful smile stretch along Sehun's face and he couldn't resist leaning closer to the boy and kissing his cheek. The blush on Sehun's face worsened and he whimpered in response, dropping his face back into the crook of Luhan's neck and throwing his other arm around him to hug him tight. Luhan smiled and licked his ear.

"I hate to interrupt..."

Luhan looked up, his smile vanishing instantly as he was met with the apologetic smile of the Healer. He blushed to his roots and apologized quietly under his breath, ignoring the embarrassed whimpering sounds Sehun was now making. The Healer chuckled good naturedly, approaching the bed with a tall glass filled halfway with what Luhan could only describe as green swamp water. He scowled at the sight and could already taste the bitterness on his tongue. The Healer smiled apologetically again. "Since your wounds are very extensive, I've added some medication to the tonic to speed up your recovery. The pills will make you a little dizzy at first, but they should have you up and running within the hour. I have Healer Kim preparing a rubbing salve to coat your bruises at night, and you should be fit as a fiddle by morning."

Luhan rather liked the sound of that. He wasn't very fond of the way his bones kept creaking and his body ached, especially since he'd never experienced such pain before.

"Bottoms up," he joked, taking the glass and scowling before taking a deep breath. He brought the glass to his lips and quickly took to swallowing the liquid, hoping he wouldn't taste it as much if he drank it faster. Sehun rubbed comforting circles into his shoulder the whole time, and Luhan focused on the small movements as opposed to the foul taste.

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