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Luhan could feel something brewing inside of him, like a volcano waiting to erupt. It was tense, frustrated, and pacing to and fro like a predator waiting for prey; honestly, it frightened Luhan a little, but more or less, he could only find annoyance in his radar for emotional capacity.

Luhan himself felt like he was in a daze, his body floating in air and his limbs like deadweights attached to his body. The air was light around him and there was a dull buzzing sound behind his ears - everything around him was hazy and white, like he was trapped in a perpetual fog. He couldn't remember how he'd gotten there. It seemed like his memory plummeted into nothingness, vanishing within the farthest reaches of his mind and fading away with the mist around him.

Where was he?

Groggily, he opened his eyes to see the fog swirling around him, holding him above the ground as he floated about lost in limbo. With a grunt, he managed to propel his body downwards and land softly on his feet, the fog dissipating around him. Confused, he looked around, trying to find out where he was and how he got there. He didn't...die, did he? He tried to wrack his mind to find his memory, but he could only recall so far as his Dependency Class before it all became hazy, like he was watching a movie on a television with very bad static. He ruffled his hair in annoyance and decided to glance around, see if he could find any clues to his whereabouts.

All he could find was a large, russet colored wolf, standing tall and proud and exuding power. He froze at the sight of it, confused; the wolf was very familiar. Tall, like a small pony, muscles stretched taut against large bones. Fur a color of mixed gold and red, eyes soft and brown and heartwarming, yet cold. Luhan could recognize the fluffy, sharp ears and the twisting, bristling tail any day, as he'd seen them on his own body before. He couldn't understand the presence of the creature, how he was seeing it so clearly like it existed as a separate entity from himself. The beautiful wolf before him only watched with calculating eyes as he tentatively stepped closer, brushing through the mist and coming to an abrupt halt before it, looking up into its eyes. There was no mistaking it from such close proximity.

The wolf before him was his own.

"What are you doing here? Where am I?" he asked the creature, surprisingly calm for someone standing before a creature so large and capable of delivering a sudden death. The wolf simply bristled and leered down at him, a noise of annoyance rumbling in its chest.

You are here because I brought you here, it answered him gruffly. We're deep in your conscious. It is the only place we can speak to each other like this.

Luhan frowned. "But you're me and I'm you. How is this even possible?"

It does not matter! The wolf snarled, barring teeth, and Luhan flinched a little. You almost killed the both of us, you incompetent fool. I've brought you here to speak with you, because I am no longer going to sit back and watch you cower at the hands of others.

"What are you even talking about?" Luhan said in exasperation. The wolf huffed in frustration.

None of that matters. What matters is what you're going to do from now on to protect Mate, it said, hunching its head down to be more at level with Luhan. He could see the wolf's frustration and anger with him radiating from his eyes, and Luhan couldn't help but feel a little bad. He must have caused his wolf so much pain with his dramatics.

You've kept me locked away for a very long time, the wolf said quietly, scrutinizing Luhan closely. But I have been watching. You valued yourself as an Omega. You looked forward to the day you were mounted and given pups. But this is no longer who you are, who we are. You have always been an Alpha. And now you must step forward.

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