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"I wonder what's going on."

Luhan shrugged at Sehun's murmurs, keeping an arm tight around his Omega as he followed the crowd through the hallways, merging with confused Betas and other Alphas on the way to the school auditorium. Excited murmurs rippled around the entirety of every room, and it seemed like the school was abuzz with anticipation; it was very rare for Headmaster Cid to pull students out of classes, let alone the whole school. Something big had happened, and despite the possibility of that something being incredibly bad, as Headmaster Cid was also the reigning supreme ruler of their Pack, the students couldn't help but whisper amongst themselves cheerfully. It wasn't everyday school was cancelled.

"Don't let go of me, ok?" Luhan commanded under his breath, nibbling on his lower lip. Sehun spared him a glance and nodded, wrapping his arms around Luhan's elbow and squeezing it tightly. Luhan took comfort in his Omega being close as he steered him into the auditorium, quickly seeking out Jongin, Kris, and the small Alpha from Luhan's hunting class. He pulled Sehun to them and offered a small smile, quickly sandwiching Sehun between himself and Jongin to protect him from the hoard. Still worrying the flesh of his lip with his teeth, Luhan looked around at the other students and sighed.

"So what do you think this is about?" he asked, peering over Sehun's head to his Alpha comrades. Jongin shrugged, quickly waving his hand when he spotted Lay amongst the crazy throng. The Omega fell into the seat beside Luhan and huffed angrily at his best friend - Luhan just gave him an awkward, apologetic smile.

"Headmaster Cid wouldn't call us out here for no reason," Kris answered in response to Luhan's question. Luhan helped Lay straighten himself up before he looked at the other Alpha with a frown.

"How important do you think it is?" he wondered. Kris shrugged.

The small Alpha beside Jongin cleared his throat, gaining their attention. "Very. Headmaster Cid never calls for assemblies unless it is to induct new freshman. Whatever he has to say to us is incredibly important."

Luhan stared at the small male before biting his lip again. He turned to Sehun and leaned in close enough to whisper, quiet enough so the others couldn't hear him. "Do you think it has anything to do with what we saw on the news the other day?"

Sehun made a face. "I don't watch the news, hyung."

Luhan rolled his eyes. Of course Sehun wasn't paying attention at the time, he was right in the middle of his Heat - but Luhan remembered, and he remembered well. He remembered how stressed Suho and the headmaster were when he had barged into their meeting with the advisors, and he remembered the press conference that had been aired over the news. Headmaster was worried about something, something to do with the English brothers from the North. Luhan wasn't very aware of the details, but he knew something was wrong. Hopefully, the news he was receiving wouldn't be too bad...

By the time his thoughts had settled, the mass of students had finally been properly filed away in the room, and Headmaster Cid was making his way onto the stage, clearing his throat. The second the noise left his mouth, the whispered conversations gently ended and a grave silence overcame everyone. Headmaster Cid offered a small smile, and waved his hand.

Suho scurried into the spotlight, breathing heavily. He gave the Headmaster a scathing look -which was rather comical, considering Suho was glaring at the Head Alpha - before turning to face the masses, a notebook open in his palms.

"Uh...welcome, everyone, hello, hi," he greeted awkwardly, scanning the crowd once before looking down at his papers. "Headmaster Cid has brought you all here to announce something I have tried to oppose countless times -"

"Joonmyeon, now is not the time -"

" - as it's incredibly dangerous and by no means suitable for Alphas and Betas of your young ages, but I'm not Head Alpha so I guess it's not my decision to make even if it's a horrible decision -"

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