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Luhan woke up sneezing, feeling little strands of fur stroke against his nose continuously until he just couldn't take it anymore and violently awoke from his slumber.

He didn't understand what was happening as he sneezed, recoiling away from the fluff pressed up against his face and burying himself in his pillow. He wasn't one to have allergies, and from what he knew, he didn't have any pets or lost hairs from when he was in full-transformation. There was nothing he could think of that described the tickling sensation that was harassing his nose so early in the morning. Frustrated, he opened his eyes and looked around.

He was surprised to find a body lying beside him, the culprit behind his scratchy morning hay fever being a pair of fluffy white wolf ears twitching against his face.

"Se...Sehun?" Luhan asked groggily, fidgeting on his bed, looking down through half-lidded eyes to see a large tuft of silver hair right under his nose. He froze in the midst of his squirming when Sehun growled at him, the tight grasp on his waist only tightening as he moved about. Despite hating the idea of someone on his bed, Luhan surprisingly had no qualms with it. Instead of throwing Sehun off or waking him up, he draped his arms across the clinging body and he closed his eyes once more, tired from sleep.

"What are you doing in my bed," he asked quietly when Sehun squirmed. The Omega released a little content sigh as an answer, snuggling his cheek in closer to Luhan's chest.

"Nightmares," he replied simply. Luhan nodded, stifling a yawn.

"What about?" he asked, blinking his eyes open and glancing at the clock. He'd need to get up in ten minutes regardless, so he decided he might as well just wake himself up.

Sehun squirmed again and made a disgruntled noise. "Don't wanna talk about it."

"Ok," Luhan relented, patting the boy's back to comfort him. Sehun relaxed once again and seemed to drift off to the soft touches, but he jolted once the alarm clock began to ring on the bedside table. He grumbled unhappily, retracting his arms from Luhan's waist and using them to cover his flattened ears. Luhan just chuckled at him.

"We need to go," he said, prodding the younger boy, poking his shoulder. Sehun glared at him through squinted eyes.

"I don't want to," he whined. Luhan smiled, reaching out to turn the alarm clock off. Once the ringing in the room came to a sop, Sehun wrapped his arms back around Luhan and burrowed into his chest. "Just let me stay here for a little while longer."

Even though Luhan had a thing against being late to class, he relented, rubbing up and down Sehun's spine in a comforting way and nosing into his hair, breathing deeply. He was positive this was another cute thing Sehun would probably never do again with him so he decided to make the most of it. "I'll give you ten minutes, then."

Sehun seemed alright with ten extra minutes and he dozed off, lulled to rest with Luhan softly curling his fingers into Sehun's lower back and scratching behind his ear. Luhan hummed to him to comfort him, pleased in the wee hours of the morning. More than satisfied with Sehun's cuddling, he closed his eyes and curled close.

Ten minutes became twenty due to Sehun's protesting whines and even though Luhan wanted to lie in bed with Sehun forever, his anxiety to get to class overwhelmed him enough to shake the boy awake. "Sehun, we have to go. For real now, or we're going to be late."

Sehun grumbled unhappily but complied, sitting up in bed and rubbing at his eyes. He turned and shot an irritated look over his shoulder at Luhan before climbing out of his bed and crossing the short distance to his own, sitting down on the comforter and fussing up his already messy hair. Luhan smiled at him and threw his legs over the edge, stretching his arms up over his head.

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