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The news of Luhan's Imprinting was surprisingly taken pretty well outside of the University's grounds.

Luhan learned this three days after the press conference, when he'd started getting packages sent to him from different families in the Pack. The first box had come from his parents, and carried a collection of sugary sweets - specifically for Sehun, Luhan don't touch them! as it read on the letter attached - and a pair of matching t-shirts from Luhan's favorite vintage store he used to adore when he was a pup. He'd ended up hiding the sweets from Sehun (since the boy had nearly eaten them all in one sitting when Luhan handed them to him) and giving him one of the t-shirts, which Sehun now wore to sleep every night. The second box was from a family Luhan had never heard of, and contained another little bear toy identical to the one Luhan had bought Sehun. Attached was a letter that explained that the package was from the lady who'd originally sold him the bear, and Sehun was overjoyed to have a second inclusion to his collection.

The third package contained, much to Luhan's dismay and Sehun's embarrassment, a leather collar, a riding crop, and what looked like a female lingerie collection. They both decidedly sealed the box shut and stuffed it into the farthest corner of his closet, never to be opened again.

With the packages came a mountain of letters, as well; letters complimenting Luhan on his natural beauty, complimenting Sehun on how cute he was. There were letters encouraging Luhan to stand tall. There were letters giving him tips on how to please and nurture Sehun. There were plenty of letters that complimented Sehun on his courage, on his defiance standing up to the reporters and protecting them both from the onslaught of questions Luhan couldn't answer. Sehun was fairly proud of those letters and even took to taping a few of them on the wall by his bed, reading through them and smiling. Luhan thought it was cute how happy little reassurances and compliments made Sehun.

However, within the walls of Lupine University, things were taken a little differently.

Luhan noticed the change the day after the press conference was aired. Every morning, while walking Sehun to class, he was met with flirtatious winks and little waves from Omegas he once knew as friends. He found it odd and creepy, honestly, but he brushed it off. It continued, however, as Luhan ran to his Alpha classes. The second he stepped into his usual classroom, he was met with complete silence, and hundreds of eyes trained on his unkempt figure. He froze initially, expecting an attack, but he was only met with watchful eyes. Frightened, Luhan had scurried to his seat and remained head bowed for the remainder of the day, nearly sprinting from class to class and clinging to Jongin like a leech.

A week later, and he still wasn't really at ease.

"Will you relax?" Lay sighed for the millionth time, rolling his eyes as he picked apart his chicken. "Nothing's happened yet, Lu. I'm sure you'll be fine."

"I just don't feel right about anything," Luhan muttered in return, shrugging his shoulders as he poked around his plate. Sehun helped himself to a bite of Luhan's bean sprouts from his side, randomly taking things from the Alpha's plate as he wished.

Lay sighed heavily. "What doesn't feel right? The staring? The silence? Lu, you should have seen this coming from the moment you Imprinted."

"I just don't understand why it's so important!" Luhan sighed, slumping in his seat and completely pushing his tray in Sehun's direction, who happily accepted the food. "I Imprinted, so what? It's the same as basic Claiming and Bonding, isn't it? I bit him, he's mine now, big deal."

"Luhan, I don't think you understand how different Imprinting truly is from normal Bonding," Jongin piped up over a mouthful of his burger. He swallowed thickly before pointing an oily finger in Luhan's direction. "When a wolf Imprints, they are forming a Bond with someone who is one hundred percent compatible with them. You know this."

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