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The night was young and the moon was bright when a sudden pressure along Luhan's back startled him awake, the creature cuddling behind him shivering like a frightened puppy. His hardly awake mind failed to process what the creature could be, or if he was in any kind of danger because of it, but he gently peered over his shoulder nonetheless and squinted his eyes in the darkness to see what had disturbed his slumber.

He blinked in surprise at the sight of his Omega, shaking like a leaf and holding on to him tightly, as if he was afraid Luhan was going to vanish into thin air. Confused and alarmed, he tried rolling over to pull him close and comfort him, but Sehun's grip around his waist would not budge.

"Sehun?" He called hoarsely, concern quickly chasing his sleepiness away as he tried wriggling his arms free of the boy's iron grasp. A particularly violent shiver rocked through the Omega and he tentatively glanced up, as if he was afraid of what he was going to be met with. His shivers all but stopped when he met Luhan's concerned gaze, and he let out a quiet whimper in relief.

Luhan's concern grew into an intense worry. "Sehunnie? Hey, are you alright?"

Sehun shook his head and loosened his grip enough for Luhan to turn around and embrace him. Sehun let out another noise of relief and nuzzled into him, his grip still tight enough to bend steel.

"I had a bad dream," he admitted quietly, continuously rubbing his cheek against Luhan's sternum. "You weren't there, I thought..."

Luhan felt a pang of guilt when he understood what had caused Sehun so much anxiety and he quickly gathered the boy closer, leaving no space between them. "You thought I left again."

Sehun wordlessly nodded. Fighting back the guilt that crept through his entire body, Luhan rubbed gentle circles into the boy's back, resting his chin on the top of Sehun's head. "Sehunnie, I'm never leaving you alone again. If you want, you can collar me and leash me to your side to make sure it doesn't happen again."

"I'm not going to put a collar on you," Sehun protested weakly, a frown in his voice. "People will get the wrong idea."

"They would, wouldn't they?" Luhan said. He sighed and closed his eyes, getting comfortable under the covers with Sehun's body pressed against his. "Sehun, I'll do anythingto prove to you that I won't leave you again. Anything you ask."

Sehun pondered the words but only snuggled up to him. "Just...hold me for right now."

Luhan complied, rubbing soothing circles into Sehun's spine while humming a lullaby under his breath. He couldn't help but smile as he felt Sehun's grip slowly slacken and his body release all of its built up tension. Soon enough, Sehun was asleep, this time dreamlessly, and Luhan ceased his humming with a sigh.

The past week had been nothing but taxing on Luhan. He took his promise to Sehun deeply to heart and swore to be that better Alpha he told Sehun he would become; and in his eyes, he wasn't disappointing. Every morning, he woke Sehun up early with a serenade, gently shaking him until he woke. He'd serve him breakfast in bed (made with help from Lay) and when he was done eating, he'd walk Sehun to his class and leave him with a kiss to the cheek. Their moments of separation throughout the day were filled with Luhan brainstorming ideas on how to pamper him when they reunited - and when that time came, Luhan would run to Sehun's classroom and present him with some sort of present, whether it be a small piece of chocolate or a small bouquet of wildflowers. Then he'd walk Sehun to lunch, where he'd cut Sehun's meals into tiny chunks. Afterwards, Luhan would take him to their shared Dependency class and sit with him in the back rows, tugging Sehun onto his lap and smothering him in long, languid smooches until the teacher forced them to separate. When the day was over, in the solitude of their own dorm, he would massage Sehun's feet while his Omega did homework and groom him with delicate care. He'd tuck Sehun into bed (Sehun refused to sleep with Luhan since the incident; he'd stand stubborn to his decision to sleep in his own unused bed, but by morning, Luhan would wake up with his arms full of clingy Omega) and the cycle would repeat. He was trying to go above and beyond, making sure Sehun knew the full extent of his commitment.

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