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The scene before him could only have ever come from a nightmare. Two Betas were upon his Sehun, trying to drag him to the ground, their bodies a mess of muscular limbs fighting to contain a furiously wriggling Omega. Sehun himself was putting up one hell of a fight, his fangs buried deep in one Beta's shoulder, his claws drawing blood wherever they found flesh. The panicked thrashing was enough to make Luhan's blood boil and he threw his book bag like a weapon, taking satisfaction in the loud smacking sound it made when it collided with one of the Betas' heads. Both of them turned to him in surprise as Sehun took the opportunity to slide out of their grasps and hug the wall of the building behind him, eyes staring at Luhan in desperation to be saved.

"What do you think you're doing to him?!" Luhan demanded, tensed to fight on the defensive, trying to show that he wasn't at all terrified when the opposite was true. He hoped, at the very least, he could divert the attention away from Sehun long enough for the boy to escape. He tried projecting that idea onto his cowering Omega, but Sehun didn't seem to understand and just stared back.

Luhan cursed and ran forward, shoving the two stunned Betas aside and standing protectively in front of Sehun, blocking him from harm's way. The Betas made no move to attack and just watched him curiously.

Still tensed and ready, Luhan walked backwards until he could feel Sehun's shivering body pressed against him. "Are you alright?"

Sehun tucked into his back and clung to him tightly. "I-I'm o-ok."

"I need you to run, Sehun," he whispered cautiously, keeping both eyes on the Betas and gulping the lump in his throat back down. "Run to the Omega dorms, get in our room, and don't open the door for anyone, not even me."

He could feel Sehun nod into his shoulder with a shaky breath as the two Betas slowly began to approach. He eyed his opponents wearily and measured out his options; he could lunge, attack one of the Betas and knock him down, but that move would run the risk of the other Beta grabbing Sehun. He could take Sehun and just run, but with his injury and lack of training, he was positive he wouldn't get very far. He could take down both Betas and give Sehun a clear shot at escaping, but it would leave him vulnerable and unprepared for attack. No matter what he did, he couldn't get away without injury; but getting Sehun out of harm's way was his top priority.

He decided option three was his best bet and he quickly shoved Sehun back towards the Dorms, reaching out and sinking his fangs into one of the Beta's forearms, hooking his arm around the neck of the other and sending them both to the ground. Pain flared across his abdomen like he'd eaten molten lava and he whimpered, but held his ground against the two struggling Betas. The scrambling of Sehun's footsteps made him feel a little relief and he held on tight, closing his eyes to try and prepare himself for the pain that would no doubt shatter him.

Instead, he felt the Betas relax beneath him, and suddenly he realized everything was a trap.

He was on his feet in the next second, running after Sehun's general direction, but he froze in a mixture of terror and shock at what he was met with. Sehun too looked absolutely fear-stricken, taking slow steps backwards, and Luhan immediately grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug, baring teeth protectively.

The Alpha from the afternoon who'd beaten him to a bloody pulp smirked, clapping his hands in a mocking display, stepping away from the wall he was pressed against and moving closer. Luhan tensed, glancing behind him at the two Betas, and he cursed. He was cornered.

"You know," the Alpha started conversationally, taking a sharp inhale, and shivering in delight. Luhan could see his pupils dilate, eyes focused on Sehun's shivering form wrapped up in his arms. "Earlier, I was only joking when I said I wanted your scrawny little Omega, but now that I smell him...well, I've found that I quite like him, and I want him for myself."

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