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The wolf inside was so happy it was smug, sitting tall all high and mighty and nearly smirking at Luhan in a way that he could only read as hahaha, it's about damn time. In turn, Luhan just stared back blankly, not understanding a thing, and he narrowed his eyes at the creature's sudden compliance with his wishes. He told the beastie to just get out for the time being and watched it slink away, lying down in the recesses of his mind obediently, eyes still shining with mirth.

In the real world, Luhan just stared blankly at the professor, his lips pursed and his eyes narrowed.

"I'm not an Alpha. My doctors said I was an Omega when I was born. I don't secrete pheromones, I don't have a dominant bone in my body," he snapped, feeling a little insulted. Why was he being accused of being an Alpha?When he was born, he was an Omega, and for the rest of his life, he would stay an Omega. There was no way he could suddenly switch to being...

"Dearie," his professor began in a gentle voice, his eyes narrowing in concern. "I don't understand this much either. I think you should take Mr. Oh here and go see the headmaster. He'll explain everything to you, I'm certain."

Oh? he repeated in his mind unconsciously, looking back at the other boy. His wolf nodded in approval to the name as a growl of possessiveness rumbled in his chest. Luhan shushed it again.

He turned back to the professor and frowned, but he nodded and bowed. "Alright..."

The professor beamed and made shooing motions with his hands, pushing both Luhan and the boy towards the door. Luhan bowed again and scurried away, keeping his eyes trained to the ground to avoid any stares from the now whispering crowd of students around him. He shot one last lost look to Lay before the doors slid shut, but he saw nothing that could help him explain what was happening; his best friend still looked flabbergasted, just as confused as he was.

When the door was safely closed behind them, Luhan released a deep sigh and turned around, frowning deeply to the other boy. "What happened back there?"

The other looked uncomfortable as he brought a hand up to rub the mark on his neck again. He seemed to recoil slightly as Luhan spoke to him, and Luhan couldn't help but wonder why. "You tell me."

Obviously, neither of them had a clear idea of what had suddenly propelled them together. Luhan sighed deeply at the thought and brought a finger to his lips, looking up to the ceiling as if it held his answers. "Well...I don't have any idea what really happened...oh well. Anyway, my name is Lu Han."

The other frowned deeper and shyly rubbed his elbow, avoiding eye contact. "Oh Sehun..."

Sehun, the wolf grumbled. Mate's name is Sehun. Luhan snapped at it again, trying to get it to seriously leave him alone; he couldn't think with the creature breathing down his neck, almost begging him to get closer to the other and Claim him. Luhan just shoved the creature back, glaring at it.

He groaned in frustration and faced the boy, beckoning him closer with a wave of his hand. he turned and continued on, taking quiet pleasure in the soft sounds of Sehun's footsteps behind him. "I don't know what the headmaster could possibly tell us, but since teach sent us out, we might as well go, huh?"

"Obviously," Sehun grumbled in a quiet voice behind him, and Luhan's smile fell as he rolled his eyes. Great. A brat.

The remainder of their stroll was left in silence, the hallways left empty except for a few straggling students hurrying off to their lectures. Luhan quietly led Sehun dutifully down corridors and stairs, moving through the castle that was their university in quick steps. From what he could gather, Sehun was definitely a freshman; he'd never seen him before, he looked completely entranced as he looked around, and he had the curious glint of a child in a candy store gleaming in his eyes. Luhan smiled whenever he heard the quiet intake of breath as they passed the sparkling chandeliers of the lounge, or the windows overlooking the courtyard outside. Occasionally, he stole glances at the tall, gangly male, and couldn't help but smile wider. Another attractive Omega.

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