1: The blonde strip

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i was sitting in the middle of Starbucks drinking a frappe and typing endless essays onto my computer. my books had created a mountain around me and i felt like such an outsider. being me, i didn't care too much. i just carried on with my school work as i usually did. you might be thinking that I'm weird for sitting in Starbucks alone but my friend Harper usually came too, she blew me off to hang out with her boyfriend jack. me and Harper live in la... well, most of the time. i lived there for 8 months out of the year whereas she lived there permenantly. jack only came to visit every few months so she had to hang out with him or they would be 'lost without each other' (her exact words). my dark blonde hair was up in a messy bun and i was dressed very sloppy. my joggers had paint on them and Harper said i resembled a hobo as i left the apartment earlier. i looked up from my computer to notice that a group of 3 boys had sat a few seats away from me on the stalls. there seamed to be twins, the other one wasn't related to them as he did not resemble either of the twins. 

"hi!" the twin with blonde strips in his hair said. 

i sat there and then looked up and said hi back. his friend started talking about going to the beach but the blond stripe guy wanted to stay. 

"doing anything fun?" he then asked me after an awkward convo with his friends. 

"uh... just some school work" i then replied with, usually i would've got up and left but something about me made me want to stay. i think he noticed my accent... I'm British. 

"uh, that sounds boring hahah!" i then agreed and laughed along as well. 

"my name is Grayson by the way" he then told me 

"im Ava..."

" thats a pretty cool name... oh (he points at his friends) this is my twin brother Ethan... and thats Nate." they both said hi and then carried on drinking their drinks. 

i said hi back to them and then typed for a bit about my world war one essay. 

"so... where about are you from? i noticed you had an accent," 

i told him that i was from England and he said that he thought i was but he just wanted to clarify. 

i started to pack up my books and close my macbook down to put in my bag. Ethan and Nate started to talk about football and sports but i didn't really pay much attention. i said bye to Grayson just to be polite. 

"uh... wait, um. do you want to come to the beach with us soon? he asked me. 

i was not dressed for the beach. "maybe another time...sorry" i then replied with, i felt quite bad. 

i got up and made my way out of the coffee shop and along the window which then were sitting behind. i looked as i walked past and he waved at me, i just smiled and shook my head. 

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