15: Madison Square Garden

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i woke up at around 8am to start the day. i went and got showered like every other morning. i dried my hair with the hairdryer which woke Harper up,

"girl...why?" she said sitting up rubbing her eyes.

"sorry, i forgot!" i said whilst cringing.

"oh yeah... happy birthday girl," she said as her head flopped onto the pillow

i continued to try my hair and put my hair in a messy fishtail plait. i pulled out some of the strands from the front and started to get changed, i decided to wear a cream lace top with my light blue high-waisted jeans. i put my socks on as i was going to wear some ankle boots. once i was ready, which was around half 9, i woke Harper up as i was hoping she would be up to meet Grayson when he arrived at 11.

"Harp!... get up.." i said as i moved the hair out of her face.

she groaned at me and scowled her eyebrows before opening her eyes and getting up. i walked over to the vanity and started to put on my makeup. i went for a nude lip and a winged eyeliner as well as the usual makeup routine which consisted of concealer, blush etc. Harper had a shower and got dried. i decided to go and see if the others were going to be awake when Gray got here.

"hey? anyone awake?" i said knocking on the girls door,

"yeah... I'm ready to meet Gray!" i heard a voice say from inside the hotel room.

i then made my way over to the boys room but there was no reply, i then texted Joe to see if he would reply and he did after about 10 minutes. everyone came into mine and Harper's suite to chill for a bit. i got a text from Grayson saying that his train had just arrived at the station and for us to expect him in about half an hour. we all sat there patiently and waited.

Grayson: hey... I'm here! come get me...xxxx

me: k... ill be down in a minute xxx

i got up and made my way down to the lobby after everyone asked me where i was going. i hurried to the elevator and pressed on the G button. the doors of the elevator soon opened to reveal a Grayson Dolan standing behind the desk, i went over to him and gave him a huge hug...

"happy birthday gorgeous..." he said as we embraced each other,

"hey..." i said smiling through the hug, i took his hand and we made our way up to the suite,

'ok... so, let me tell you about each of them.." i said as i faced him in the elevator...

i told him all of their names and i missed one out, Logan.

"i don't need to know the details" he said as he pulled me in and kissed me.

i smiled at him after the kiss and we arrived at the floor i was staying on. we made our way over to room 302 and i put the key card in the door and entered. everyone stood up and he introduced himself,

"hey... I'm Grayson," he said as he walked into the room. he guessed everyones names and gave out hugs, he turned and faced me as Logan stood up and Grayson's face changed.

"who are you?" he asked looking at Logan.

"im Logan..." he said as he reached out his hand and shook Grayson's. Grayson went over to me and clutched my waist with his hand. thankfully, everyone was ready. we all sat down and discussed what we were going to do. we all decided to go to the empire state even though the boys had already been whist we were on holiday. i put my shoes on, grabbed my leather jacket and put my bag over my shoulder. everyone else looked at me and we all headed off. me and Grayson tagged behind and held hands. we got into taxis and headed down to the empire state.

"been here before?" Harper asked as she stood next to Grayson.

"yeah... i came here in the winter with my parents." he said to her. emily came over and joined in with the conversation. we all started to talk about new York and how nice it was. Logan was staring at me still from a few spaces over. i looked at him quickly and then went to stand next to Joe whilst Grayson spoke to my friends.

"nice you of you to let me meet your love..." Logan said as he looked over at me,

"well... i do love him and you are here so i had no choice," i said in an apologetic tone,

"save it... i went out with you for 2 years, we go on a break for a bit and now I'm here listening to stories about how your new boyfriends so amazing and that you love him... blah blah blah..." he said as he kicked a stone on the side of the road. "And you never even told me that it was properly over".

"i didn't even remember me inviting you if I'm honest!" i said as i walked ahead and looked back at him,

Grayson heard us and slowed down, i looked away feeling my eyes welling up,

"are you ok? what the hell is going on?" he said as he looked at me and then at Logan,

"yeah... just some things we need to sort out," Logan said as he backed away slightly. Grayson put his arm around me and pulled me in. we walked behind everyone for a bit and i felt safe from everyone. it was like i was in my own little world.

for the rest of our time in the empire state me and Logan did not talk, he mainly stayed with Joe and Emily. me and Grayson went around together and in the end, everyone went out for food but Grayson wanted to take me to time square to see all of the lights.

"this is amazing!" i said as i looked up at the giant screens, there were people everywhere and the place was flooded with sound.

"i know... happy birthday," he said look at me.

"thank you..." i said as i gave him a slight kiss on the cheek.

"what for?" he asked

"for being here... for being here for me and being the best person to me over the past month." i said as i gazed up at his brown eyes.

"i love you," he said after giving me a kiss,

"i love you too Gray." i said.

"now. i need to ask you something," he said as he pulled away from me, "will you be my girlfriend?" he asked me with a grin on his face,

"of course!..." i said laughing at his lower school term for dating.

he laughed back and we spent the rest of the evening wandering around time square, we approached Maddison square garden after some walking,

"i competed in a competition there," he said as he pointed at the building,

"really? in what?" i said surprised

"wresting..." he said

"oh yeah! i remember you telling me about the wrestling," i said as remembered.

We walked about hand in hand back to the hotel. I told him that he could stay the night but he was persistent on going back.

"Are you sure?" I asked concerned

"Yeah, yeah... I'll be fine..." He said as he kissed me, "oh... i nearly forgot something!" he said as he reached into his 'mackelmore' jacket pocket, he pulled out a long box and inside he presented me with a gorgeous chain necklace with an infinity sign along the chain.

"oh my goodness... this is gorgeous!" i said as i looked into the box.

"happy birthday..." he said as he closed the box and handed it to me,

"how did you know that i was going to say yes to going out with you..." i asked whilst holding the box tightly,

"well... who could turn down me," he said jokingly..."lucky guess?" he then said correcting himself.

he kissed me once more and we he departed back to new jersey. i had butterflies.

Grayson and I |Grayson Dolan|Where stories live. Discover now