26: 120 texts

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"try not to cry too much on the plane," Harper said as she gave me one last hug before i left,

"i won't, unless someone asks how i am, i wont." i said with a sympathetic grin,

"has he called?" she asked me,

"oh yeah... he has called a total of 36 times and i have received about 120 texts from him in the past two days... he even tweeted me about 5 times and then my phone was on fire from the amount of tweets i got from nosey fans who can't stop sniffing out dirt," i replied with a slight laugh.

"well, just remember that he should feel bad for what he did, he got into an argument with you over his friend and then broke up with you," she said which made me feel pretty bad. i looked down at the floor and nodded, after sniffling a few times i hugged her again and was on my way to the plane.

over the past few days I've mainly eaten ice cream and watched old episodes of how i met your mother, i think i went through about 1 and a half seasons in a whole day which i am pretty proud of my ability to bring watch that amount of Netflix.

after another hour of waiting to board my plane, i got on and sat in my assigned seat ready to nap for hopefully the whole time. i was sat next to a woman and her child who looked about 15 maybe but i didn't ask.

once the boring plane ride, which consisted of a screaming baby a few seats in front of me and a puking child, i went to baggage claim to get my stuff.

"Hey! over here!" a man with a camera shouted,

i looked around stunned by everything, the man started taking pictures of something so i looked around again to see what it was, the man pointed at me but i was very confused,

"oh my god! we found her! pose sweetheart!" another man with a camera shouted. i tried to walk through them to get out but soon there was a crowd and some of them consists of bystanders who were intrigued by everything,

"whats the single life like!" a paparazzi member asked,

"wheres your boyfriend!" another shouted, clearly he hadn't heard the news,

"oh my god it's Ava Richards!" some random person shouted.

eventually, after guys with cameras took pictures of me, i managed to escape the airport and get safely in a taxi to go home.

That was very weird.

"Ava!" my mum said as i walked through the door,

"hey mum," i said as i hugged her, "where is Josh?" i asked as after the hug was over,

"oh, he's with a girl," she said as she wiggled her eyebrows,

"name?" i asked her making my way through the hallway,

"she's called Megan," she said as she boiled the kettle,

"how long for?" i asked as i leant against the countertop.

"about 6 weeks, i think" she then said, "anyway, how are things back in LA?" she asked me as she poured the water into mugs and brewed 2 teas.

"oh, well. Grayson and i broke up," i said with a small but sad smile on my face.

"ahh, honey," she said with an empathic smile on her face,

"its okay though, he got jealous of Nate talking to me and didn't drop it, then we got in an argument over it and he said we should take a break... as in break up," i said as i straightened up and shrugged.

"wait... who is Nate?" she asked me cluelessly,

"one of his model friends,"i said as i took a few sips of the tea and nearly burned my lips.

"ahh... he has a lot of those?" she asked me chuckling,

"you'd be surprised," i said testing the tea again but it was still too hot.

"well, I'm sure everything will work out for the better," she said in a comforting mum tone.

"yeah," i nodded, "yeah".


"Ava! you're back again," the teacher said as i came into the class and sat down with my bag still on my back.

she turned back to the class and continued on with her talk, "as you all know, your final year of compulsory school is almost over," she began and a few cheers came from the back of the class, "anyway, i would like you all to partner up and write a 10 page essay on your school experience, i would like the essay to contain statistics and opinions about you school life. you have a week to do it so hurry up and start now," she said and a few groans came from the back once again. i felt a hand on my shoulder and i looked behind to see Logan with an apologetic smile on his face.

"what do you want Logan," i asked as i turned back around and opened up my laptop,

"a partner," he vaguely said,

"great, sit." i instructed and he did so.

the two of us were working away silently for around 20 minutes until he eventually broke and said something,

"why did you guys break up?" he asked me breaking the silence,

"things... mainly jealously," i vaguely said.

"wasn't me, was it?" he asked,

"no Logan, not everything was about you," i said as i flipped through old school books,

"i just thought that maybe you told him about the kiss," he said,

"no because there wasn't even a kiss, there was a near kiss but no kiss and I'm glad there was no kiss because you've screwed me over one to many times Logan and I'm sick of it so here is me... drawing a line between us, got it?" i said rudely,

"got it," he choked out eventually.

Grayson and I |Grayson Dolan|Where stories live. Discover now