48: moving to Phoenix

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the next morning when i woke up, i packed my satchel for work and then once i was ready for the day, i headed off to work.

since i had moved, i was a lot closer to my workplace and i decided to walk there. it also helped that i was wearing flats.

my short journey took about a 20 minute walk and then i was there. i was greeted at the front desk by the kind receptionist and then i headed to the elevator to take me to my floor.

"Ava!" James excelled when he saw me,

"James! i haven't sen you in ages," i said hugging him.

i went to go and sit opposite him because that was where my desk was. soon after we caught up with each other about my trip back to the UK and then meeting Grayson's parents, my boss came over and handed me a design plan for an apartment complex in downtown LA.

"hey Ava..." James asked me,

"yeah?" i asked back even though my concentration was on the intricate details of the plan,

"want to hang out tonight? we can invite Harper too," he suggested as he shrugged,

"sounds like a great plan," i said smiling at him,

"when does Grayson get back?" he asked me,

"not for another week... he wanted to catch up with his family," i sighed because i missed him,

"aww well it looks like I'm going to have to be keeping you company for a while then," he said with a laugh and then got on with his graphic designing on the computer.

"oh and can i invite this guy?" James muttered quietly,

"what guy?" i asked nosily with a grin on my face,

"my boyfriend kind of guy," he said blushing,

"of how long?" i asked because i thought he already had a boyfriend,

"about 2 months," he shrugged,

"i thought you were dating that other guy... what was his name?" i asked unsure of it,

"that ended badly! never speaking to him again!" he said dramatically,

"sounds like fun," i smiled sarcastically and then returned to the paperwork on the new plans,


"Gray, i miss you," i said pouting through the phone,

"i miss you too and i'll be back soon so its okay," he said comfortingly,

"sounds great, well i have to go now..." i said after i heard the buzzer go,

"oh okay, who's coming over?" he asked concerned,

"just Harper, James and James's boyfriend," i said brushing off the subject,

"okay then, see you in a week," he said,

"see you and love you,"

"love you too," then he hung up.

i answered the door to reveal a pretty pregnant Harper who was carrying a six pack of beer,

"whoa, you know... pregnant people can't underage drink," i said with a laugh,

"it was a peace offering on behalf of Jack," she said hugging me,

"look at your baby bump," i cooed as i shut the door after her,

"it's been too long," she said as she came through and placed the beer in the fridge,

"like the place then?" i asked her as i gave her a small tour,

"yeah, it's very nice... do you like it?" she asked me as she inspected my new room with a king size bed,

"yeah but i wish it had a bit more of a feminine touch," i said with a small laugh,

"i agree... maybe some purple with a touch of mustard yellow," she said looking at the blank curtains.

"i was joking but what happened to you? pregnancy made you an interior designer," i joked to her,

"god i know... what happened to me," she said with a heavy laugh,

just after she said this, the buzzer went again and i was greeted by James and a tall dark man with amazing eyebrows,

"hello, i brought snacks and also, meet Valentino," James said with a loved up grin on his face,

"hey guys," Valentino said with a thick Spanish accent,

"it's nice to meet you," i said before turning around and gaping about him to Harper who returned the actions,

"who wants a beer?"


"i love this movie," James said as he cuddled up to Valentino whilst me and Harper were sprawled out on the corner of the corner sofa,

"and i love you," Valentino said to James before kissing him,

"forget the movie! we've got a live romance film right here," Harper joked making James glare daggers at the two of us as we instantly turned our focus back to 'the other woman' that was making us laugh a lot.

Grayson: having fun? xx

me: Yeah, James's boyfriend is so sweet xx

Grayson: don't go running off with him xx

Me: he has Jason and he's gay xx

Grayson: never say never ;) xxx

"texting lover boy," Harper said before crunching on some popcorn,

"you know it," i said back to her as i stole some of her salty popcorn, "anyway, how are things with you and Jack?" i asked her quietly as the noise from the TV engulfed the room.

"yeah, yeah... everything is fine, we're house hunting at the moment," she nodded,

"really? for where?" i asked her,

"that's what i needed to talk to you about actually," she said,

"what," i asked,

"well, we've been looking for houses in Phoenix,"she muttered,



"wow, that's quite far away," i said to her,

"yeah, not too far though, only a state over," she shrugged,

"a 6 hour drive," i said after googling it,

"it's not set yet so it might only been on the outskirts of LA but apart from that, we're probably moving when there baby's here," she said to me,

"thats a pretty big thing," i said back,

"you know you can visit all the time and we'll even pay for petrol,"

"well, that's a good idea, i guess i'll have to visit loads then."

looks like i'm going on some road trips with my boyfriend now.

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