44: Greta's coffee

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"thanks for having me here," i said as i helped Grayson's dad clear away the plates,

"it's a pleasure," his mother said as she put the pizza boxes in the trash,

that was a really good pizza.

"hey Ava," Grayson said as he arrived in the kitchen,

"hey," i said back to him as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into him,

"can i steal her for a bit?" he asked as his dad took the plates from my hands,

"go ahead," his dad said and then Grayson dragged me out off the house.

"where are we going?" i asked as he directed me to the jeep,

"for a drive," he said with a quick smile,

"fair enough," i said and then got in the passenger seat,

"oh no.. you're driving," he said and then threw me the keys,

"it's not my car," i said panicking in the chair,

"so... you drive a Jeep back home. you know how it works," he said as he gently pulled me out of the passenger seat and took my place,

"hop in," he said as he patted the leather seat beside him,

"if we crash," i muttered,

"then i explain." he said as he raised any eyebrow at me, "anyway, we're not gonna' crash. you've driven before," he said as i got into the car and buckled up,

i shook my head and sighed as him as i started the car, put the gas down and pulled out of the driveway,

"so where are we going before i drive to the other side of the country?" i asked him as i drove onto a long stretch of road,

"to this really nice cafe in the town," he said as i looked around me at the fields,

"yeah uh, where is this town?" i said with a laugh,

"a few miles," he said quietly,

"how many is a few," i said slowly at him,

"about 10," he shrugged and i sighed before continuing driving along the road,

"you'll have to direct me," i said as i came up to a cross roads and he told me to go left down some windy country roads which always seemed to lead to nowhere.

"can you slow down a bit," he said as i looked over and he was clutching the handle above the door and his face had turned as white as a sheet,

"oh, sorry," i said as i took my foot off the gas a little bit and the giant car slowed down a bit more,

"thanks," he said as he cleared his throat and loosened his grip on the handle. "here we are," he said pointing to a small cottage that was positioned in front of the sunset so it was pretty much just a silhouette of a small house.

"this place is cute," i said as i pulled into the small parking spaces they had,

"yeah, the cafe's in England reminded me of this place and it got me thinking," he said to me as i looked up at the small sign that read 'cup o' joe'

"cool name," i said as i read the sign,

"yeah, i love this place," he said as he directed me into the building,

"hey Greta," he said to the lady behind the small counter,

"Grayson!" she exclaimed as she pulled him into a hug, "it's been too long!" she continued as he embraced her small frail body,

"hey Greta, how have you been?" he asked her when the hug broke,

"still old," she complained jokingly, "who's this?" she asked Grayson as she looked over at me and smiled,

"this is Ava, my girlfriend," he said as he gestured towards me,

"aww! my granddaughter's called Ava, she's three though," she said as the corner of her moth dragged out,

i smiled at her again and said that it was nice to see her,

"how long have you two been dating then?" she asked Grayson as she directed us to a table right in the corner by a wall length mirror,

"about 9 months," Grayson said,

"not bad for a first girlfriend," Greta commented and he rolled his eyes causing me to laugh,

"she's just under the impression that i'm afraid of females," he said and i nodded before laughing some more at him.

soon after we talked for al little bit, Greta came back over with two medium sized mugs full of coffee,

"this is the best coffee around, it beats those Starbucks frothy drinks," he said as he took a small sip of the dark liquid,

"wow," i said as i took a few sips, "this is really good," i said,

"i told you, this is like my little place that me and E used to come to loads before we moved to LA but he didn't want to come this time," he said which in other words, meant that he didn't ask Ethan as those two are usually inspereaelbe.


"thanks for the coffee Greta and it was great to meet you," i said as i hugged the petite lady and she grinned at me,

"it was lovely to meet Grayson's first girlfriend," she said teasing him,

"it was lovely to see you Greta," he said to her and gave her a hug,

"next time come back sooner, i miss you when you're all over the place," she said with a sad smile,

"i will, i promise," he said and before we were about to leave, she pulled me close and told me something,

"he's a real softie and you better be here next time he comes to see me," she said and then squeezed my hand, "i wish you an amazing relationship," she continued and then let my hand go.

"she was really sweet," i said as Grayson and I got into the car with him driving this time,

"she's great," he said and then smiled at me before leaning in and kissing me gently.

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