54: the isle

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the morning.

the morning headache is the worst thing in the world and i had the worst of the worst.

the worstest. if that's even a word.

i turned onto my side to face Grayson who had giant bags under his eyes and was looking so pale against his tanned complexion.

he laid there asleep and was nothing but hungover.


i poked his arm which in return made him groan at me for waking him so i got up and went over to the bathroom with my arms full of clothes ready to change into to go down for breakfast.

once i was done, i called Grayson over to make sure that he was awake and to my surprise he was. he was even fully dressed as well.

i tied my hair up quickly and the two of us nearly cried when someone knocked at the door since it was too early and too loud for us to handle.

i told the person out there (who was my aunt) that we would be down ASAP so gladly she left.

we walked out of the hotel room both with our eyes caked in concealer and then covered with sunglasses. Grayson insisted that he wore just as much cover up as i did.

i opened the dining hall doors to hear just noise. to my side, Grayson flinched and muttered some chain of swearwords as the noise grew louder as we walked into the room full of people. 

my mum waved at me to show us where they were sitting so we both carefully walked over to the table and to be honest, i was still slightly drunk.

we take our seats and that was when the questions started and my mums face changed from happy to devilish.

"where the hell where you yesterday?"

"at the bar with Grayson."

"did you get drunk?" 


"you do realise what today is, right?" 

"yours and dads wedding,"

"do you have a problem with that?" she said and i could tell that her body was rejecting her saying that,

i looked her straight in the eyes after i raised up my sunglasses and shook my head looking sincere,

"of course not mum, i promise," i assured her,

"good... remember to come to my room 10 minutes after food so you can help me get ready," she said tucking into her eggs.

so i tucked into mine.

Grayson looked down at his plate while the headache grew. 

such a beginner.

"you'll need to get used to all the drinking," i joked to him as he took mouthfuls of his fried breakfast. a British delicacy. 

once breakfast was over, i did what my mums said and made my way to her room which was the wedding suit and was bigger than my old apartment all together. the room was filled with a giant king size bed with 2 bathrooms and a dressing room as well as a small sitting area accompanied by a few counters. 

i walked through to her dressing room where the dress was hung up and my mum was standing there in a robe with her hand over her face,

"can i do this?" she asked me still staring at the dress,

"what? are you changing your mind?" i asked her putting my hand on her shoulder,

"i don't know," she said and burst into tears,

we spoke for a few minutes about how she's making the best decision of her life all over again and that she needs to do this to show that everything's going to work this time.

ah hour later she was being dulled up by the make up artist and her hair was being styled by the stylist.

i pondered off to my own hotel room to get into my bridesmaids dress and do my own hair and makeup.

Grayson was having a nap and told me to wake him up when he needed to get ready for the wedding.

and i did.

i woke him up so he had just enough time to get ready and to do it with time to spare.

he showed me what he was wearing and then we both headed down to the reception to greet everyone who was arriving.

i was reunited with childhood friends who i had not seen for over a year and Logan ended up turning up but we kind of kept our space apart from each other. 

after about half an hour of introducing everyone to Grayson and being told stories about when i was younger, everyone shuffled through the altar where seats were lined on either side of the blush pink carpet which lead up to the gorgeous white and red rose laced archway.

Grayson and i wandered off to the backroom where we had to wait to walk onto the carpet. 

i walked down the isle with Grayson on my arm and to be honest, i hoped that i was the one being walked down the isle. i hugged my dad and congratulated him before i stepped to the side  to watch my mum walk down in her gorgeous dress that i wish was mine.

she looked so happy as she walked down that i cried a little bit as the ceremony commenced.

they looked so happy that i couldn't help but look over at Grayson and smile a little bit which made him smile back to me in the goofy way that he did.

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