41: drinking for the first time

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its no lie, i was kind of hoping he would say a few different words but at the same time, I'm only 18. too young for me.

i woke up the next morning in Grayson's hotel. after the trip to London yesterday, we came back to his hotel and rented a movie which was a really good movie if I'm honest.

"did you have a good birthday?" i asked him as he woke up from the bed,

"yeah, thank you so much for a great day," he said and then kissed me,

"your welcome," i said smiling.

"so, when do you go back to LA?" he asked me as he got up and put on sweats before we went down for breakfast,

"i think i go on the 21st," i said as i put a finger on my chin,

"i though you were coming to New Jersey?" he asked with his eyes furrowed in a confused way,

"oh shoot, i completely forgot about that!" i exclaimed as i fell back in the bed, "ill have to book a new flight and cancel my old one," i said as i whipped out Grayson's laptop from the side table and typed away.

"don't worry about it, i'll just say you couldn't make it," he said with a sad smile,

"no, i said i was going to go, so I'm going. otherwise i'll have nowhere else to have Christmas," i said as i found a ticket online, "ah ha! got one," i said as i filled in everything on the computer and booked the ticket.

"it's all done." i said with a happy smile.

Grayson and Ethan sat in the armchairs as they waited for me to get ready quickly. in the end, we all went down to breakfast in sweatpants and a jumper of some sort.

"these are the best pancakes ever," i said as i devoured some more with maple syrup,

"they're alright. the syrup is pretty bad though," Ethan said as he scrunched up his nose in disgust,

"yeah Ava, this syrup is so bad. what even is it?" Grayson asked with an annoying grin on his face,

"it's maple... isn't it?" i asked confused,

"yeah, it's meant to be," Ethan said defensively,

"so, what do you want to do today?" i asked changing the subject from syrup,

"I don't mind," they said in sync.

"that was creepy. please don't do that again," i said as i took a sip of my coffee,

"sure," they said again,

"guys!" i exclaimed as i laughed,

"sorry," they said,

"seriously?" i asked and raised my eyebrow at them,

they both looked at me and then we all broke into laughter and achieved some weird looks from the old people who were probably i London on a business trip. Grayson gave an old lady a small wave and a wink and her mouth formed an 'O' shape.

the three of us burst into laughter as she pulled an extremely disgusted face at his actions. soon after, she took up and walked off with her nose up in the air.

"posh British people are pretty snobby," i said to them unleashing a stereotype.

"i can imagine," Ethan said as he took a sip of his drink and then finished off his food,

"okay but seriously guys, what are we going to do today?" i asked them as i slung my bag over my shoulder, "actually, i have the best idea!" i exclaimed and they both looked at me eager to find out, "cadbury's world, the best chocolate place in the world," i said and they both looked at me excitedly.

"and then we can go to a bar," i added,

"but we're only 18," Grayson pointed out,

"but the legal age here is 18 for drinking. there is your ticket to get hammered," i said with a smile and then Ethan shouted something out,

"whoo! let's get hammered!" which caused an old man to gasp.

"shall we go then?" i asked as i looked back at the two of them, "before we get kicked out," i added as the stood up and agreed with me.

i hailed a taxi and one came speeding up to us and then i asked him to take us to Cadbury's world to which he asked if we were children, Grayson then said yeah which made the driver laugh at us.

"i'm quite surprised that you two haven't been stopped much," i said to them as i looked at the small groups of teenagers who were waiting for the show tonight,

"yeah, i guess our beanies and sunglasses camouflage us," Ethan said as he followed my gaze,

"camouflage?" i asked him sarcastically,

"you know, because it's cold and we'll blend in with the locals who are all cold, " he said and to be honest, he had a really good point,

"what time is the show?" i asked Grayson,

"we go on at 6," he said and then the driver gained an interest in the conversation,

"are you guys famous?" he asked intrigued,

"nah, not really," Ethan said trying not to push the conversation any further,

"lies!" i exclaimed, "they're youtubers... kinda famous on the internet," i said adding to what i was saying,

"something like that," Ethan said to me,

"what about you?" the driver asked,

"oh, i'm not really anybody," i said brushing it off,

"lies!" Grayson exclaimed, "she's a model and an architect and a vlogger," Grayson said smirking at me,

i pursed my lips and then agreed with him.

"is he telling the truth?" the guy asked me,

"yeah," i said,

"anything i would've seen?" the guy asked with his strong east London accent,

"uh, i did some modelling for Hollister," i said and at that exact time, we passed the store.

"remind me to go in there at some point," i whispered to Grayson who was sat beside me,

Grayson nodded at me and then us and the driver continued to talk about careers and our work.

at cadbury's world, we ate so much chocolate and the trip was really, really good.

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