31: baby talk

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"you did amazing today," Grayson said as he kissed my cheek and began to drive away,

"thanks, but you didn't have to stay," i said in a joyful tone.

"i wanted to... " he said in return.

i nodded along and listened to the music pouring out of the speakers.

"i love this song," he said as he turned up the volume, he started to sing along but it wasn't the best,

i shook my head and laughed at his attempt at singing.

after a few minutes of listening to music, he broke the silence,

"what are you going to do about moving?" he asked me,

"uh, well... Harper might have to move back with her mum as she's struggling to pay rent... i guess ill have to find my own place," i explain as he drives along the straight road.

"oh, thats not good," he said sadly.

"yeah, i really don't want to leave her but it has to be done, i cant afford to pay for her and it would be weird for me to move in with her and her mum," i say laughably.

"yeah," he agrees,

"hang on..." he said realising something,

"why don't you move in with me?" he states,

i laugh and then realise that he's being serious,

"what about the dog?" i ask him,

"i'll be fine... its not like I'm going to die from it," he says in a serious tone,

"i dont know... what about Ethan?" i ask,

"he likes you! dont worry about it, everything will be fine," he says in return,

"well, it wouldn't be for about a month but... i dont know, thanks for the offer though," i say unsure of everything,

"come on!" he pleads, "i love you and whats to say we should be apart?" he asks me,

"nothing but its too soon," i said to ease him.

"well, think about it okay?" he says back,

"okay," i clarify.


"so when shall i tell Harper?" i asked him as we arrived at my apartment.

"whenever your ready," he said smiling at me.

i smiled back and proceeded to open the door.

i walked in and saw Harper sitting nervously on the couch, i peered my head around to the side to see Jack sitting there nervously as well.

"uh, hello," i said unsure of whats going on.

Harper looked up and gave a sad smile.

"whats going on here?" i asked as i placed my keys on the counter and moved further into the room.

"uh...well, um," Jack stuttered,

"I'm having a baby," Harper said blatantly.

"wh-what," i asked as i sat down in the chair.

"whoa? really?" Grayson asked as he came and sat next to me.

"and it is Jacks," she said as Jack moved closer to her.

"what... when did this happen?" i asked as i shook my head,

"when you were back in England, Jack came back after seeing you and now i am pregnant," she said vaguely.

"congratulations," Grayson said uneasily.

"this is all very confusing," i said still shaking my head, "but- congratulations," i said smiling.

"thanks, it means a lot," she said smiling as well.

"so, whats going to happen with you two then?" i said indicating Jack and Harper,

"well, Jack is going to stay here for a bit and then once I've had the baby, I'm going to move in with my mum... Jack will as well," she said as she looked over at Jack, "my mum will be a great help and i think we need it," she continued with a slight laugh.

"well, I'm happy for you," i said smiling still,

"you're going to be an aunty!" she exclaimed,

"well, not really but i guess," i said with a slight laugh.

Grayson looked over at me weirdly and then widened his eyes indicating for me to say something,

"oh, uh...Harper," i said nervously, "I'm thinking of moving in with Grayson whenever we go our separate ways," i said trying to be calm,

"oh," she said nodding her head with a sad smile.

"but ill be here for you... always," i said smiling.

"what about Peanut?" she asked as she looked over at the dog sleeping in her bed like always.

"well, i haven't decided on what to do yet, it would be a shame to give her up," i said looking at her as well,

"A, i told you ill be fine with the dog," Grayson said butting in,

"no, it wouldn't be right," i said back to him,

"i can take her," Harper said suddenly.

"i was kind of hoping that you would," i said as i peered over at Harper smiling giddily.

"really?" Grayson asked me shocked,

"yeah, it wouldn't be fair on you or Ethan... you're allergic to her for starters," i said smiling,

"yeah that would be a problem," he said looking over at the dog.

then he sneezed.

"see... Harper will have to have the dog," i said looking at Grayson.

he nodded and then we all proceeded to talk.

"when will you two move in together," Harper asked me,

"well... nothing is official yet. i guess this just saves me living on my own," i said as i gripped onto Grayson's hand.

"yeah," he agreed with me.

"well, good luck to the both of you," Harper said smiling.

"I'm going to miss you when i move out," i said to her pouting,

"we both have to live with smelly boys," she said sticking her tongue out.

"we are right here," Jack said to us,

all four of us started laughing and we ended up having a great night.

my best friend is pregnant with her ex's baby.

i am about to move in with a famous person.

and i forgot to say, my mum was coming to visit.


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