18: Gary

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i held my head up and walked down to the group of people at the end. i don't know why but i felt guilty for something, i felt like i had let someone down and that i was in the process of being punished for whatever the hell I've done. i heard a voice call my name as i walked past loads of people,

"hey! Ava!" i heard as a hand touched my shoulder. it was Logan.

"yes?" i said looking up at him,

"how are things..." he said as he nudged me to the side,

"things are good..." i replied to his question,

"still with Gary..." he asked,

"classic move, and his name is Grayson..." i said as i laughed slightly,

"ahh... you got me there Richards..." he said as he nudged me one more. we walked along and once i approached my friends he grabbed my hand. i looked down as he moved closer to my side and shook my hand to break free. people around us looked confused and asked what i was doing here. i told everyone of my unexpected departure and that I'm going back soon. Logan spoke over me for a bit and i checked my phone for messaged. there were none. i wast surprised as Grayson was heading back to LA today and said that he won't be able to talk much. i understood. i went and stood next to Emily as a few girls in uniform walked past me and muttered things, i heard things along the line of 'she's with Grayson Dolan' and then a reply of 'no she's not'.  i think some other people heard and started asking questions as for the whole day i was being questioned on my status with Grayson. news travels fast.

i walked into my form class and sat down at the back.

"nice of you to join us miss Richards" the teacher at the front said. she knew i had been in America.

"its good to be back..." i replied. she knew i was lying as i sighed straight after.

everyone piled into the classroom and took their seats. in our school the forms are mixed so i was stuck with a bunch of year 9's surrounding me. once again, there were questions and talk about where I've been and who I'm dating. its quite surprising how many people know who he is. i even had a girl ask me if she could meet him, i didn't know what to say so i said that i didn't know as i didn't want to upset her but i didn't want to promise something.

at around 1pm i got a text from Grayson to say that he was home, i told him about the girl and he said that he's willing to meet her some day which was understandable. we texted for a bit more until a teacher came and told me to put it away so i said bye and turned my phone off. i went to my 4th lesson and survived everything. most people welcomed me back and others were just ignoring me as they usually did. i pulled out my laptop and took notes on what the teacher was saying. Logan came to class late like he usually did and sat down next to me. i had always been known as the girl who dated the bad boy but now (from the gossip) people see me now as the girl who is dating a Dolan. Logan pulled out his laptop, placed it in front of him with it open and then sat on his phone hiding behind a screen. 

the school day ended with me walking home with Logan, i don't know why he walked my way but he did. his house was over the other side of the town and was about a 15 minute drive to get to from my house. i would consider us friends now but were not best of friends. just friends. the two of us arrived at my house and he walked inside with no warning. i grabbed my laptop out of my bag and decided to face time Grayson to see how he was, as soon as he answered Logan decided to start talking over us.

"is Logan with you?" he asked concerned,

"yeah... he literally just walked into my home," i said sighing,

"thats not true!" he said over the conversation once more,

"seriously Logan, shut up, please..." i said as i turned to him,

"you love me really..." he said with a smirk on his face,

"eh hem" Grayson said interrupting Logan. I looked at Logan with a face of steel. He could tell.

"Well... I'll be quiet now." Logan said before turning on my tv and sitting in the noise of a sitcom. I wasn't even sure why he was in my house to be honest but I wasn't in the best of moods to argue with him about it. Ever since we dated he felt more and more at home when he came to my house.

"Sorry about that," I said as I turned my focus to Grayson on the screen,

"Why is he even there?" He asked in a humorous tone,

"Honestly... I don't know,"I said in a surprised tone, the two of us laughed for a little bit and Logan gave me some very strange looks from the other side of the room.

"Where are you?" Grayson asked,

"In my living room, no way was I going to leave Logan alone in my house," I said dreading the thought of it.

Me and Grayson continued to chat about things and before I knew it my mum came home from her job, by this time, I had hung up the chat with Grayson who was back in la now and I was sitting down in my living room watching a cheesy programme with Logan. My mum burst through the door and turned her gaze to me and Logan sitting on different couches in silence,

"Oh, hello..." She said in a surprised tone,

"Hey mum," I said turned around to look at her, she used her head to direct my gaze to Logan who was sat there with his calves crossed, I shrugged as I knew she was asking why he was here. She didn't mind. She liked Logan. 

My mission was for her to get to know and like Grayson. But first, they would have to meet and there was no plan on him coming to me any time soon.

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