3: Meeting James

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"Ava tell me everything!" Harper said as i stared down at my phone 

"there is nothing to say... all we did was walk down the beach" i looked up at her and smirked 

"really? well... did he ask you out?" she then asked me 

"kind of..."

"what do you mean 'kind of'" she then asked me confused 

"he asked me to go on a hike this weekend but i think his brother is going too" i then said 

she then tutted and started yapping to jack about something. a car drove past me and i looked up and watched it pass. then another did but it stopped near me. 

"i think your boyfriends here!" Harper said with a grin on her face 

i walked over to the car to see Grayson sitting there. i asked him what he was doing but he said he saw me and decided to stop and talk. i told him that i had to go as Harper was calling me over and then getting bored and walking off with jack. the car then drove off with Grayson swinging his head out from the back seat and smiling. i smiled back. i laughed to myself for a bit as i caught up with Harper. she started making fun of me in a jokey way by pretending she was me whilst talking to Grayson. 

"oh Grayson! of course ill come on a hike with you! id do anything for you!" she said mockingly

 i then giggled and the conversation carried on from there. jack was watching from the side and laughing along. 

once we got to our apartment i went to shower to get the sand off of me. i started to think about whats happened today and how I've made a new friend that is surprisingly nice. when the shower was over, i got dry and then changed into some lounge clothes. i sat down on the sofa to start watching some tv but there wasn't really anything on. Harper came out of her room and sat down. 

"wheres jack?" i asked her

"oh... he had to go and call work to say that he's going to stay for a few more days in la! isn't that exciting?" she said bubbly 

"yeah its pretty cool" i said unenthusiastically. 

"has Grayson texted you?" she said teasingly 

"no, i didn't give him my number-"

"what!? why not! he's a hot guy and you've turned him down!" she said surprisingly 

"I've only met him today! you can't expect me to jump on him just yet..." i said whilst half laughing

"eww... Ava thats gross!" she said laughing 

"you can talk! jacks 20 haha" i then said to her jokily. 

"how old even is this Grayson guy?" she asked me

now i was stuck..."i didn't actually find out." i muttered. 

"you guys talked for over an hour on the beach and you didn't get his number or his age... what the heck!" 

"well i don't want to date... he's a friend who i just so happened to run into twice in one day." i said back to her 

"i ship it..." 

"get over it Harp" 

"nope... i ship it... shipped it." 



"just get over it Harp! i don't like him that way!"

"your going on a date with him on the weekend and you don't even have his number!"she bellowed at me 

"its not a date!" i said in a humorous tone and stomped off to my room. 

the next day after work i popped into Starbucks with one of my work buddies: James. i ordered a lemonade and i didn't pay much attention to what he got. we went to go and sit down at a four seater table. James was also a lucky one to get the same opportunity as me so it helps that were the same age to work together. i sat facing away from the door and James suddenly looked up. 

"who are they..." he said 

"who are who," i said as i turned around to see Ethan and Grayson waving at me from the queue. just my luck that i would see them at Starbucks again. Grayson left his brother and started walking over to me. i turned back around to face James.

"hey! imagine seeing you here again!" he said as he sat down in the spare chair 

"oh hi... this is James" i said whilst pointing at him. James mouthed something to me that seamed to be along the lines of 'who is this?' i then introduced James to Grayson. 

"are we still on for the weekend?" James said to me after taking a sip of his drink 

i nodded but then Grayson said "i thought you were coming for a hike?" 

"yeah but it depends when..." i said back to him

"oh, uh probably the Sunday," he said back to me. i nodded and said that that sounds fine. he was just about to get up when he turned around and asked for my number to text me where to meet. i gave him my number and we said out goodbyes. i turned around and waved goodbye to Ethan who was making his way out with two drinks and a cookie. 

"umm... tell me everything Ava!" James said to me as he took a sip of his drink. 

i explained all of yesterday too him and he then made a really funny remark. "maybe i could get with his brother hahah" i then told him that i don't think he's into guys but its worth a shot. he shrugged and said that i was probably right. he then asked me if i liked Grayson in a love way but i said no because i don't want to date at the moment which was very true. once we had finished our drinks we decided to visit the beach for a quick walk and then head back. once we got back to my apartment James needed a lift to his place as he had walked to work.  

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