51: the big news

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"looks like you'll be needing to buy a new car," Grayson joked as i buckled up in the Range Rover much like his,

"i'll say," i shouted so he could hear me as he wandered over to his car outside of the showroom.

the two of us drove back to the apartment where Ethan was apparently attempting to make dinner for the three of us, as well as their mum who turned up when we were gone.

as soon as we got back, i was greeted with a big hug from the twins' mother who i was really happy to see since she is such a lovely woman.

we all sat down as Ethan dished up the food between us. he had served us a bowl of Kraft macaroni and cheese since he managed to burn the only spaghetti we had left in the house and it was getting pretty late to go out and buy some more.

the food was decent and for desert he served us all a shop brought cheesecake that was really smooth.

well done chef Ethan.

suddenly, my phone started to ring so i picked it up and then news that was on the other end was truly amazing.

my parents were getting back together and that they had already set a wedding date, that was quick.

"what do you mean you want me to be there tomorrow?"

"the wedding," my parents shouted to me excitedly,

"oh my god guys!" i screamed, "i didn't even know you were getting back together," i stated really surprised,

"i know, it was a very short term thing but both of us decided that we should just get married again since your dad's divorce went through 3 weeks ago and we've bene together for 4 so why they heck not," my mum said sounded excited.

"well, i'll try to get a flight out tomorrow to visit to wedding," i said grinning,

"bring Grayson!"

then i hung up.

they got back together?

my dads divorce went through 3 weeks ago since he found out that mrs botox was cheating on him with her personal shopper whenever she went to Paris without him and her kids.

looks like everything worked out for the best i guess.

i walked back through to the dining room where everyone was looking at me surprised,

"Grayson, pack your bags we're going to England!" i said sounding way too excited,


"my parents are getting remarried," i laughed at how silly it sounded,

"whoa, really?"

"would i say it if it wasn't true?" i laughed,

"have you got tickets?" he asked not sounding happy,

"yes... they said they were going to sort out the flights that we're catching tonight,"

"wow, tonight,"

"that sounds great, congrats to the parents," his mum said raising her glass,

"to the parents!" i raised my one off of the table and so did the twins,


"are you sure you want to come?" i asked him concerned,

"of course i do, this is a big day for you and i want to be there to support you," he kissed me,

"thanks, you just didn't seem too happy," i shrugged,

"i just thought it was a bit quick, that's all,"

"okay," i said and continued packing up all of my stuff to take for out stay in England which was going to turn into a trip to Paris from the wedding.

the flight was at 10 at night so we had to get everything ready pretty quick.

when we got the airport it was the same old routine but this time i was happy because i didn't have to say goodbye to Grayson since i was getting on the plane with him.

"here goes nothing," i said as we walked through the gates and into the waiting room,

"do you think it will be a big wedding?" he asked me,

"oh yes... 'go big or go home' is my mums motto," i laughed at how stupid it sounded,

"i see," he laughed as well,

"do you think it'll be fun?" i asked him as it soon dawned on me that it could be a rubbish wedding with lots of arguing between them since they have known each other for around 25 years.

"no of course not, they're going to be too happy to fight," he said wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"good," i smiled to him.

"i love you, you know?" he said suddenly,

"and i love you too," i smiled,

"so whatever happens over the next few weeks you'll remember that you love me and that your parents love each other,"


"good because i don't want anything bad to happen as it's all been going so great,"

"nothing bad will happen," i said smiling,

"i love you,"

"i love you too,"

Grayson and I |Grayson Dolan|Where stories live. Discover now