34: the mustard sandwich

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since it was still two months until Christmas, i decided not to tell my mum just yet that i wouldn't be spending Christmas with her. i was pretty nervous about going to meet Grayson's parents and his sister because things like that are scary. very scary.

the first obstacle i had to overcome was Halloween. Grayson had kept going on and on about how we had to do something so i agreed. after all, it was his favourite holiday so i didn't want to disappoint him.

i was sitting on the sofa looking online for the best costume to wear for halloween.

what do i go as? 

scary or sweet?

dressed up or dressed down?

dark or bright?

the endless pages of the same costumes was getting annoying so i gave up on the idea and decided to take the dog for a walk along the beach. i grabbed her lead and shook it do she came running in through the balcony. i attached her collar to the lead and headed out of the door. 

did we go as a couples costume?

i couldnt stop thinking about the party and what to go as during the drive to the beach. 

when we arrived, i picked up Peanut and placed her on the ground. the two of us began to walk along the beach on the pathway. the walk was around half an hour as her little legs were getting tired by the end of the walk.

"oh my god!" some one shouted,

"is that Ava!" another shouted,

a small group of girls ran over and i took my headphones out and looked up at them.

i said hello to them all and they petted Peanut.

"where is Grayson?" a small ginger girl asked,

"i have no idea," i said truthfully with a small laugh,

"oh," she said.

after a few more minutes of small talk i carried on heading back to my car. 

i got in after strapping Peanut into her doggy seatbelt. i drove off back to the apartment to see Harper who had been throwing up most of the day due to morning sickness. i think i might have triggered it when i put mustard in her sandwich because she instantly ran off and shouted for me to put the remains in the bin. i didn't ask questions and disposed of the sandwich.

when i got back to the apartment, my phone started to ring.

"hello," i said when i answered it,

"hey babe," the other person said,

"hey Gray," i said smiling,

"got any idea for halloween yet?" he said cheerily,

"no! I'm completely stuck... help," i said defeatedly,

"no worries, come over and we can hunt together," he said in a calm tone,

"okay...  but i can't stay over as i have work tomorrow," i said,

"oh... okay," he said sounding sad,

"ill be over in 30," i said before he said bye and then hung up. 

i grabbed a bag and placed my computer in it and i also grabbed my keys to drive there.

"bye harp!" i shouted to the other room before leaving the apartment,

i got a muffled groan in response which made me laugh.

i drove over to his apartment and the buzzed to be let up.

"hey E," i said when he answered the door,

"hey A," he said in response,

Grayson was sitting on the sofa playing Mario Kart devotedly,

"hey Gray," i said as i tried to annoy him by getting in the way of his game. 

i went in for a hug and his head perched over my shoulder with a determined look plastered on his face. Ethan laughed at me before perching himself on the sofa and watching Grayson try to manoeuvre his way around the course. 

when the game was over (which he came 3rd in) i took out my computer and we sat there searching through pinterest and other sites to get ideas,

"how about that one," Grayson said as he pointed to a Latex Rabbit costume. there was a grin plastered on his face,

"maybe not," i said with a laugh,

"oh," Grayson said pouting,

"that one's nice," i said pointing at a minnie costume,

"nah... it needs to be original," he said as he scrolled through the costumes,

"I've got it!" i said sarcastically, "a strawberry!" i said jokingly,

Grayson laughed and rolled his eyes at me which caused me to laugh at him.

"that one is so cool!" he said excitedly as he pointed to an all in one bodysuit of Mystic from X-Men. 

"that is pretty cool... looks so uncomfortable though," i said as i shrugged,

"whoa! maybe not... look at the price," he said as he bottom lip dragged down at the corner.

"oh yeah," i said as i clicked off of the page and carried on looking through pinterest.

"well... what are you going as?" i asking him intrigued,

"not telling," he said as he pursed his lips together,

"you dont have an idea do you," i teased,

"i do," he said as he sat up a bit,

"ok then,"  i sighed,

"i do have an idea," he said even though i had dropped it,

"dont lie Grayson," Ethan chirped up,

"im not lying!" Grayson retorted,

Ethan tutted and shook his head causing Grayson to furrow his eyebrows.

i carried on scrolling though the pages trying to find something.

there was nothing.

i am screwed,

absolutely screwed.

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