6: three pizzas

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we ended up staying at the lookout for around an hour as it was so beautiful to look at. all three of us talked about endless subjects and i didn't feel bored or tired... i just wanted to sit there and joke with them and laugh with them. the time was 4:30 when we made our way down the hill. Ethan and Grayson did backflip competitions and i had to vote which was quite pressuring. the two of them were really good at black flips and i ended up having to take more pictures of them.

once we got to the bottom of the hill it was around 6 pm. we all walked over to my car and i got in the drivers seat. Ethan plugged his phone in and started blaring music out of the car as i drove down each street.

"ah! turn left here..." Grayson said as i made a sharp turn.

after about 10 minutes of Grayson directing me where to drive to get somewhere i soon realised that i was dropping them off. i stopped the car as Ethan climbed out of the back seat. Grayson turned to me and invited me in for a bit. i said that i should probably go so i could get showered but he insisted that i came up and washed at his apartment. i was quite ok with this because i felt like i knew them both pretty well. in the end i didn't get washed as i had no clothes to change into. Grayson and Ethan got washed and dried and i just sat there going through my Instagram. i noticed that James had texted me asking about how the hike went, i told him that it had gone great and that I'm now at their apartment. he texted back saying score. i laughed to myself and i think Grayson heard as i walked out of his room because he asked me what was so funny. i just made up something because i thought it was embarrassing telling him the truth.

"how far away from here do you live?" he asked me

"um, about half an hour away..." i then said


"no... a drive" i then said as i smiled slightly.

"wow... its gonna take you ages to visit me then!" he said as he smirked.

i laughed to myself and said i guess so. Ethan came out of his room and asked if we wanted to order pizza. me and Grayson both nodded and in the end we got 3 pizzas. we got a pepperoni, a cheese and a ham and pineapple. when the pizza was delivered i insisted on paying as they had invited me out and it was only fair that i payed. in the end we just decided to eat whatever one because we all liked each one. i had a text from my mum asking about today. i told her that everything was ok and that i was home. but i wasn't. all three of us continued to talk and joke around. the two of them filmed some more snapchats of a dance competition between us three. Grayson put his arm around me and said that i was a good dancer. i said thanks and scruffed up his hair. Ethan did some pretty weird moves which made us all laugh lots. i checked my phone a few hours later and noticed that it was almost midnight.

"i should probably get going... i have work tomorrow..." i said as i gathered up my things.

"no! don't go... were having so much fun!" Grayson said as he tried to convince me to stay longer. i shook my head and left. Grayson insisted that he walked me out incase i got lost which i could tell wasn't the reason.

"thanks for coming today..."he said rubbing the back of his head.

"thanks for inviting me... ill text you yeah?..." i said as i walked to my car.

"yeah... yeah of course...see ya!" he said waving as i walked down to my car and got in. he turned back and walked back inside his apartment building. i sat in my car and quickly checked my phone for any messages. there was one from Harper asking where i was so i replied saying that i was on my way home. i also saw one from Grayson... it was a screenshot of the pic from today which he had posted onto Instagram... there was a message underneath that said 'posted' and then a wink face. i decided to go and check out his Instagram to the the pic he chose. i noticed that he had over 3 million follows and there was already thousands of comments on that one picture. he had captioned it saying 'the hills'. i decided to read through some of the comments. there were lots of love hearts and comments about people loving him, there were also lots of people asking who i was. some people had replied to them telling them who i was. i noticed that he had tagged me in the pic and that i now had a few thousand followers. i thought that this was all really weird. i didn't really believe what Ethan said about them being vines but now i really did believe it. i drove off home and when i got there i had a message from grayson.

grayson: you liked

me: i had to!

he was referring to the picture.

grayson: did you like today?

me: it was great, 3 million followers?

grayson: yeah...hehe

me: haha.

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