45: present time

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i woke up on christmas morning to the smell of bacon and pancakes. a tradition Grayson told me always happened on Christmas morning.

i put on some sweats and then headed down stairs to see Cameron sitting there on the sofa watching a Christmas film at nine in the morning.

"hi," i said when i came and sat down in one of the chairs awkwardly,

"merry Christmas," she said smiling to me and then turning back to the film,

"Ava! Merry Christmas!" Grayson's mum exclaimed when she saw me through the archway leading to the kitchen,

"merry Christmas," i said back to her with a smile,

a few minutes later, Ethan came down the stairs with a bag full of red wrapped gifts and placed them under the tree,

"good morning everyone," he said as he came and sat on the same sofa as Cameron.

"where's Grayson?" he asked me as he looked around,

"still asleep," i said and he rolled his eyes jokingly,

"shall i wake him?" i asked him and he nodded at me and we both went up to the room that Grayson and I were sharing to wake him up.

"Gray," i whispered to him,

"DUDE!" Ethan shouted and Grayson didn't even flinch,

i sighed and pushed on the mattress to see if the motion would wake him,

"hang on," Ethan said and disappeared off into his room.

shortly after, he returned with an air horn.

"you might want to cover your ears," he said and i did so as he flinched and pushed down on the top to create a noise.

instantly, Grayson shot up and shook his head,

"dude..." he grumbled as he sat on the edge of the bed shirtless,

"it's Christmas Gray, get up," Ethan said and then left without another word,

"was that your idea?" he asked me as he turned his head to look and me and smiled,

"not at all," i said as i walked around and sat next to him on the edge of the bed that was already dipped down.

"Merry Christmas," i said looking at him and smiling,

"Merry Christmas," he said back to me returning the smile,

"if you put on a shirt we can go down," i said to him and stood up,

"i don't want to put on a shirt," he pouted at me and clutched onto my arm before dragging me down next to him so we were both sitting close together,

"Gray," i said with a laugh in my tone,

"what," he said in the same tone as his arms engulfed my whole upper body in a hug,

"let go," i said back to him as his grip tightened,

"no," he pouted and i could tell there was a smile on his face,

"come on! we need to go down," i said to him as i tried to wiggle out of his grip,

"a kiss first," he said to me and i rolled my eye before kissing him lightly, "now, let's go," i said and stood up from his grasp,

he sighed and pulled on a random shirt from his case and then i dragged his hand out of the room and down the stairs to see his family,

"he's alive!" his dad exclaimed jokingly as he laid out some plates full of amazing food,

"do you need any help?" i asked politely as i let go of Grayson's hand to which he frowned at.

"no, we're fine thanks," his mum said to me as the last lot of plates were laid down on the table.

all of us gathered around the table and ate the delicious food that was prepared freshly this morning,

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Grayson said as he raised his glass and everyone followed him and did the same thing,

"i just want to say that this year has been really great and i know it's not New Years or anything but i'm just so happy that the tour went great and that i meant the love of my life; Ava Richards." he said and everyone raised their glasses one more time.

everyone tucked into the food and the Christmas morning went great and everything ran smoothly.

"now, you guys go and get ready because everyone will be here in two hours," Lisa said and Grayson ushered me upstairs to wash and dress myself.

after i washed my hair and washed my body, i put my hair into soft curls before applying a small amount of make up to which Grayson was baffled by the fact i could do make up. i gave him a stick of lipstick and he failed to apply it properly leading to a laughing fit from both of us.

for my outfit, i dressed myself in forest green fitted trousers and a black, thick strapped bodysuit with gold jewellery.

"you look amazing," Grayson said as he came into the room after having a shower himself and stepping out in just a towel.

he looked me up and down and gasped.

"thanks," i said to him and i could feel my cheeks flushing with heat,

"uh, i'm going to go and get ready now," he said and gathered up some clothes of his and rushing off to the bathroom again.

when he came back out, he was dressed in a slim fit button up and some black skinny dress trousers.

"you look amazing too," i said with a smile on my face and he came over and kissed me before we made our ways downstairs to everyone who was gathered around the tree.

"present time," he whispered in my ear lightly and we sat next to each other on the sofa.

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