my other stories

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you have been warned...

it is time for me to make a shameless promotion of my other stories because why not?


first up we have TURNING HIM GOOD. this story is pretty cliche... but if you like the cliches then go ahead. it is about a girl who is a dancer but she wants more from life. until her brother befriends a bad*** who is out to get her in a dating kind of way. (Scarlett is one of my favourite girl names)

secondly, we have WEEKEND WITH THE GODS. this is more of a comedic book which focuses on a girl and her struggle with lots of greek god-esque boys on a camping trip with her dad and her brother who i called Bear because that's a cute name. the book is filled with silly one liners and if the chapter titles doesn't give it away then i guess i didn't do a very good job of the one liners. 


first off, we have GRAYSON AND LOVE, which i have mentioned in my previous announcements so if you want to read over those again. feel free to check out the sequel to Grayson And I.

last but not least, my most recent baby which i am doing all over again... PAST THE CLOUDS. this story is about a girl who believes she lives beneath the clouds. (the clouds being a code word between her and her gay boyfriend for the parents.) she is out on a mission to find someone who she loves and not someone who was chosen for her by the clouds. whilst her 'boyfriend' Daniel has a hard time determining whether a guy is his for the taking...

if you have gotten to the end of this and are still thinking 'you wasted all my time reading through this when i could have been reading your possibly mediocre stories! AAARRGGGHHHH'. then, can i just say that i did fore warn you and your mean comments will be deleted... depending if i want to laugh at them or not. 

for those of you who do think 'these stories sound alright', well then thanks... your time is much appreciated and so are your reads and votes. (shameless... i know).

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