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Zoe's pov

Those words hit me hard like I'm going to fall and he is going to pick me up. I couldn't say anything else but "yes" I sad while crying, he picked me up and then kissed me. Once he leg me go I saw Tanya crying and Jim just clapping and saying "congrats" over and over again. So I sat down and thought of over future!

Tanya's pov

OMG! My bestie is getting married now we can be married sisters. "Now that we're done eating let's play the voting game not so safe for work version" I said" YES YES YES" they said in sync
So I pulled out the cards and I stated "who here would do a sex scene in a movie" we all said Jun and we had a big fight Jim said "why would I hump a girl when I'm married" half of the actors and actresses are married and they do it" Zoe said I laughed and we played for a couple if more hours.

Alfie's pov

We packed up and went home Tanya and Jim got a hotel because we just got engaged. So when we got home I put everything away and got Baka in bed and went upstairs me and Zoe were getting ready for bed when all of sudden we hugged then started kissing and then it went into a make out. Next thing you know are close are on the floor and we closed the door and you know what happens next
The next day

Zoe's pov

Last night was amazing I got engaged we hm..... Did something in the bed and I just slept in I didn't care if I had video to make I just stayed here with my fiancée oh it's so weird to say that. But saying that I got up and made the roundest pancakes in the world it was the perfect circle I ate some I made some for Alfie.

I really hope you enjoyed that and again thank you for reading💜❤️💙

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