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Zoe's pov

We lead joe into the kitchen with Sara

"Joe I'm just gonna say it melodys pregnant"

"We're leaving" he says


"I don't want my kids thinking that that's ok"

"But they won't"

"Yes they will my daughter is 13 she is going to think it's ok there almost the exact same age" he says

""You guys are sick if you think it's ok for your daughter to be pregnant at 15" Sara said giving disgusted looks

"We don't but the best way in this situation is to be supportive" I say

"Supportive have this bitch lost her mind you know the best way to deal with this situation to make sure she gets an abortion" Sara says

"Get out" Alfie says to Sara

"And why should I this instant" she says

"Because you do not come in are home and call my wife a bitch now get out you too joe" Alfie says loosening his temper

"Joe jr Izzy get in the car were going to the store" joe says and leaves the room

"Bye hope you have fun with the future episode of teen mom" Sara says. I flip her off

How is melody suppose to be ok with this but j still need to talk to her about keeping the baby's

Melodys pov

Joe Sara and the kids got in the car and drove I was so confused what happened until my parents told me it was all my fault my mom and her brother now hate each other because of me

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