New year

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Zoe's pov

"Happy new year" we screamed it's now 2019 and just in a couple of months I'm going to be 29 ugh I'm so old. Anyways everybody else was drinking except me of course I'm pregnant everybody was talking until we heard a knock at the door I go and open the door and it's a girl I'm unfamiliar with she look like Harley Quinn a slutty dressing girl with dyed bleach hair and had 200 pounds of makeup on it was unbelievable that she was a person she more looked like a mannequin

"Hi my name is Zoe how can I help you" I say

"Hi my name is Ashely I'm looking for a party"

"You must be at the wrong one there are 4 more parties down the street" I say kindly

"No I think I'm right is Alfie deyes here"

"Yes why?" I asked puzzled

"Ohh he's my boyfriend I had to go to Australia for 5 years and we had a long distant relationship but where haven't really kept in touch"

I immediately slam the door shut what? Girlfriend? He never told me about this

"Alfie get your ass over here"

"What" he says

"Open up the door and you'll find out!" I say fuming

He opens the door and Ashley says

"Alfpie how are you doin I've missed you so much" she says

"Hi Ashley how have you been"

"So heartbroken not seeing you in person I love you!"


"And can you tell this bitch not to slam the door on my face how do even know her like is she your enemy or something"

"Actually she's my wife" Alfie says

"Alf I can't believe you cheated on and then married her"

"Mommy daddy melody stole my toy" sapphire says

"Well tell your sister to give it back and if she doesn't tell her that she is not getting another biscuit" I say while Alfie is in shocked

"And you had kids!" Ashely says

"The fuck Ashley for 1 one you never liked me 2 you cheated on me and 3 you broke up with me I'm done with you" and Alfie shuts the door in her face

Ashely's pov

Alfie will pay for what he did

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