Number 3!!!!!!!!!!

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Zoe's pov

Alfie finally got home and I finished dinner right when he walked in we all 4 started eating supper and the girls gave him there presents he was acting as if they were diamonds and then the girls went off

"Mines better then yours" melody said

"No your is shit!" Sapphire said

And then melody started crying

"Sapphire go to ur room right now" I said

"NO!!!!!!!!!!" She said

I had no choice so I picked here up and she was resisting but I got here up there and we locked her door from the outside so she wouldn't come out

"And you are amazing and so is your sister your sister is just angry that you said that you thought yours was better" I heard alfie say while I was walking down stairs

"Ok daddy"

And she gives him a hug

I wish sapphire could be more apologetic but that's just her personality

"Hey alfie why don't you bring her upstairs to play in her bedroom because I need to talk"

So we all go upstairs and she goes to play in her room

"So alf I have something special for you!" I say entering the room

I go into the the bathroom and grab it and he opens it and says

"Your having a baby!"

"Yep number 3"

"I'm going to have a sibling" I hear someone say and I look to the door and I see melody

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