The past

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Zoe's pov

I open my eyes and I see light and a whole bunch of cards. But then I see my husband with  of my 2 children with a baby.

"Baby ur awake" alfie says

"I am" I saw a little raspy. I try to sit up more got I had pain in my leg

"Where's the baby's my grandchildren" I say they all look down

"Well um... this is Wolf um melody had a healthy boy and a not so healthy girl"

I have one tear go down my cheek

"She named her Kayla but she sadly passed away 3 months ago due to heart problems"

"Where is melody"

"At home sadly they said she had to stay home because she's not stable enough to go any where right now she's on anti depressants pills" saph said

"This is all my fault if I just kept looking at the road"

"Mom this is not your fault  and instead of looking at the dark side look at the bright side ur awake now let's just have fun and play games" Ollie said


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