Two or one or none

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Alfies pov

"Ollie come eat your lunch" I say as I place the grilled cheese down

"Coming" he said


I pick up the phone

"Hello I'm looking for Alfie deyes"

"That's me"

"I'm afraid to say that your wife has been in a horrible accident with you're daughter" she says

"WHAT ok I'll be right there" I hung and told Ollie to get in the car

45 minutes later

I get to the hospital I run in

"Hello my name is Alfie deyes im the husband of Zoe deyes and the father of melody deyes" I say

"Room 176" the nurse says me and Ollie rush there

"Z.......Zoe" is all I can get out of my mouth

I see a big stitched up cut from her foot up to her thigh. I.....I feel one tear go down my cheek

"dad..sniff sniff" I hear Ollie


"Why does this have to happen to are family" he says then burst into tears. I hug him

"Nurse where's melody deyes" I say to a nurse passing by

"Ahh she is in intensive care" she says checking

"No my little princess" I say

Melody was always my princess and Sapphire was always my little artist

"I'm afraid so" she says waking away

We wait and wait and wait and wait until it was about 6:00pm and Sapphire came bursting threw the door

"Why didn't you guys tell me and picked me up from sadies" she says

"You were so happy I didn't want you to be sad" I said

"Well we got a bigger problem" she said

"What, what is it" I say

Beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeppppp

I hear "NURSE NURSE NURSE" I scream

They come in it looked like a thousand but there was only 5

"Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" he says quickly



I leave I can't help but cry and I do I step out the kids were there but all I could here was "123 123 123" they were doing spr then I heard "NO PULSE" I start to burst in tears "123 clear 123 clear" that just made it worse "THERES A PULSE" then I start to burst into joy of tears

"Hello you are now allowed to see melody before she goes into surgery" the nurse said

"Surgery for what" I say

"To have the twin baby's since the babies have to come really premature because of the accident" she says

We all nods and go her room we kissed here forehead. They gave her a drug that last 10 hours for the surgery so she could be asleep so she was passed out when we were there

"Goodbye Melody" we say and go to Zoe's room it was 11:00 pm when they allowed Ollie and saph share a bed beside Zoe and I slept in the uncomfortable chair

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