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Alfie's pov
I was driving her to the hospital I can believe that somebody would do that to her there sick in there mind.

15 minutes later
We arrived at the hospital and I talked to the clerk with Zoe beside me "hi um my fiancée Zoe just got punched in the stomach and she is pregnant" okay I will put you in room 17 down the hallway and I will get a doctor as soon as possible" she said we went into the room and like she said and the doctor came In. "So how long have you been pregnant"the doctor said "about 6 weeks" okay so we are going to give you a ultra sound. We are giving you this liquid to put on your stomach" she said it was really cold about 7 seconds later she said "okay the baby is still alive but- "what was is it "congratulations your having twins would you like to now the genders"yes yes please" it's a boy and a girl" i was so happy we went home and just celabrated with ice cream and Disney movies.

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