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Ollie's pov

A couple weeks after the formal I didn't like Kylie she was just a friend to me

"Hey ollieeepie how are you" Kylie says

"Hi Kylie how are you"

"Actually I have to confess Ollie the day I meant you I loved you I always wanted too be with you"

I stand there she felt different she wanted us to be something

"Well what do you think" she says

"Uhhh I feel the same way" I say but I lie I didn't want her feelings to be hurt

"Great see you later boyfriend!" She says

Boyfriend that's so weird

"Ollie I need your help" I hear Kyle say

We go somewhere private and talk

"Ollie so Mackenzie asked me out but I don't know how to kiss a girl" I didn't know how to kiss a girl

We practiced on are hands but he seemed so attractive I leaned in and are lips pressed against each other's for a while it felt so right. We removed are lips

"Uhh so moving on.." I say

Kyle's pov
I liked Ollie so much I knew I'm gay but I didn't know if he was so I got a girlfriend to look cool but after him kissing me I knew

Ollie's pov
What does this mean for me

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