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1 month later

Zoe's pov

I woke up and hade to puke I don't know what it is but I couldn't think about it so I ran to the washroom and threw up Alfie came running and said "I don't care if you don't want me to but I'm taking you to the hospital"

Alfie's pov

I was driving her to the hospital she looked tired and very beautiful.
We were in the hospital and it was dreadful we were sitting and waiting and she look worried "look little one you will be fine it's probably just the flu" just as I said that the doctor came in.

Zoe's pov

Once Alfie finished what he was saying the doctor came in and said "so we took your blood test and congrats your pregnant I will give you a moment to talk" she left the room me and Alfie just stared blankly into each other

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