About that

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Sapphires pov
I woke up realizing that it was 7:30 and I've got the flu but it brightened my mood when I realized uncle joe was coming today I hopped out of bed and just picked some jeans and a cute casual crop top that's doesn't really show my stomach because ever since melody got pregnant mom and dad have been super protective of me. If I wore jeans that show a little bit of my ankle they would tell me to go change them. Today we're tell uncle joe about the pregnancy. I go do my hair and makeup and vlog a little bit because I have my YouTube channel and I've recently just hit 1 million subs. I go downstairs and I eat breakfast then I hear the door bell ring "JOE!" I hear someone say it was Oliver I run over and say "HEY UNCLE PEA" I say we start laughing Oliver seemed confused but it was are inside joke. I see Izzy and joe jr. "Hey Izzy and joe jr" I say "hey" Izzy is 13 and joe jr. Is 10. "Hey Sara" I say "hello sapphire" Sara is my aunt her and joe are so cute together. Mom and dad start talking to with uncle joe and auntie Sara the melody comes and everybody gives her weird looks "ahh joe can we talk to you for a second with Sara" mom says "ok" they go into the kitchen

Zoe's pov
"So about melody....

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