Forgive or forget

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3 days later

Zoe's pov

It's November 22 and I'm going to my ultra sound without Alfie I can't believe he still hasn't even tried to apologize yet

"Girls Louise is going to watch you and you can play with Darcy while I'm at my ultra sound" i say

"I want daddy where is he" melody asked

"He's at home we're  just on a little get away"


I leave to go to my ultra sound


I get there and I wait everybody whose pregnant coming into the doctors has their husband or boyfriend where I'm here alone in a cold plastic chair I see a couple go in then I see him the guy who is the father of my children and the one in my stomach Alfie Deyes my husband partner the love of my life I just realized that I feel hollow without him. Once we see each other I get up and we kiss hug and apologize to each other

"You remember that it's today" I say

"Why would I forget its are baby"

"Zoe Deyes" we hear the nurse call my name

We go in there and they asked if they want to know the gender but me and Alfie decided that we wanted it to be surprise I go to Louise's house grab melody and sapphire and I head home and Alfie cooks us supper and we all go to sleep peacefully  

Hey guys thanks for reading now in the comment think of one girl name and one boy name and I will chose one and mention you in the book and give you credit😃

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