Im sorry

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Alfies pov

I sit by Zoe. Seeing her in a coma was the worst thing since my last crazy ex-girlfriend. Melody was having a c-section currently to have her twins,Sapphire drove Ollie home to have supper. I've tried to contact Joe about Zoe but he won't pick up the phone. I couldn't handle seeing Joe act like he just needs to finally grow some balls and be here for his niece and sister.
I tried to call him on more time

Ring ring ring ring

Hi this is Joes phone please leave a message and I will get back to you

Fucking voicemail again. I was building up with anger I was done with Joe I needed to set home straight I grab my jacket and take an uber to his place

I knock on the door and it took about 30 seconds for a girl that I didn't know to answer

"Hi who are you looking for"she said in a kind voice

"Joe" I say

"Baby someone is here to see you" she says. Baby! Is he having an affair

"Yo" he said then he realized it was me

"Let me talk to you outside" I say

"You got 10 minutes"

We step outside

"What do you want"

"Why are you not answering my phone calls"

"Because your a dick" he says

"Really cause I'm pretty sure your the dick" I say

"And why is that just because I didn't answer your phone calls that so pathetic" he says

"Well maybe if you picked up your phone and talked to me and not be coward you would know-"

"Know what"

"That your sister is in a fucking coma while you niece has to have her baby's pre mature because they got in a car accident" I say

"What" he says

"You know that your being the dick" I say

I see a tear role down his cheek

"I'm sorry I've been in a different world" he says

"Who's that girl in there" I say

"My girlfriend laya" he says

"But what about Sara?" I say

"How about you go sit in that chair and we'll have a beer and talk about it" he says

"Fine but I only got about 45 minutes before I gave to go back to the hospital and you could come if you want"

"I would like to" he said

We go in and get a beer and start talking

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