One more!?

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Melodys pov

I was going to my second scan to find out the gender. Now that I'm gonna be a
Single mother I may as well learn all the tips. But today I was really wasn't in the mood for anything

"what do you think the gender is going to be

"I really think it's going to be a girl what do you think it's going to be" mom says

"I really don't know" but I did know I knew what it was going to be

We get in the doctors and we got called really quick actually

"Hello melody so I'm in a rush so I'm really quickly gonna give you the scan" my doctor says

She scans me and says

"Congratulations it's a.........boy" I knew it

"Yayyyyy" I say with enjoyment

"Wait hold on a sec" the doctor says

"What what's wrong" I say worried was my baby ok

"There seems to be something wrong"

"Tell me!"

"It's seems that you..........

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