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Melody's pov

"Positive" no this can't be how am I pregnant I'm only 15 how. All of a sudden my stomach feels like it's closing I can't breath tears going down my face

"Are you ok melody?" I hear rise say then everything goes black

Alfie's pov
I love that are family is so put together you know we've got are ups and downs but we manage to pull threw and nothing can stand in are way *ring ring*

I pick up the phone

"Hello this miss.Malibo speaking I would just like to inform you that your child melody is in the hospital from a massive panic attack"

"Oh my goodness is she ok"

"Yes and since she's hear we decided to do a blood test and other things to find out if she has any medical issues"

"I'll be right over" I put the phone down

"Zoe melody is in hospital get the kids and meet me in the car"

"OMIGOD is she ok" Zoe says

"Yes she just has a panic attack"


We all ft in the car and drive off


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