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Alfie's pov
Zoe do you want anything I'm going to the shops "get me 4 tubs of icecream" okay? Man women with there pregnant cravings. I left and was on my way to the shops.

Zoe's pov
I was watching tv ads because it was commercial and I heard a ring at my door I got up and opened the door "hello how are yo- I couldn't finish my sentence because lips came crashing down on me it was that weird creepy guy I pushes him away "what the fuck did you just do" oh I know you like it" no I don't I'm happy with Alfie" I said "no you aren't name three reasons why I should leave you guys alone" okay one I'm engaged two I love him and three I'm pregnant" I said with confidence " well okay have fun being pregnant" and he punches me in the stomach and I fall on the floor and he leaves and about 16 minutes later Alfie comes in I tell him what happened and he drives me to the hospital

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