Number 3?

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2 years later
Zoe's pov

So today is Alfies birthday and I thought not better way to celebrate it by making the girls to write cards for him! The girls are amazing I can tell that melody is the more outgoing one with tons of friends where as sapphire is quiet a book reader and she loved art and a little bit more aggressive. And I have my own present for him

"So melody what are u doing for daddy" I say

"I'm using every letter of daddy's name and making a word out of it" I looked at it and it said


Obviously she needed help to write it down so I just helped her

"And sapphire what did you do"

She showed me this ballerina made out of different colored paper it was beautiful

"You did an amazing job you two"

I send them both to go watch old shows like Winnie the Pooh and I started my present I grabbed my pregnancy test that said positive and put it in a box and wrapped it up and made a special dinner for his birthday and I looked down at my engagement ring and my wedding it was so lovely with everyone there and the girls were the flower girls and Louise being my made of honor while Tanya, Niomi and Anna were my bridesmaids if I could re live that day over and over again I would.

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