Good afternoon

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Zoe's pov

"MOM LOOK OUT" I hear while again over and over again. I don't know where I am,I just have my eyes closed. It's very quiet and I feel the wind against my body "MOM LOOK OUT!" I open my eyes, I see a blue sky and green grass as vibrant as emerald. I look down and see a scar on my leg one that goes from my foot up to my thigh. I see a snow like dress on me almost the colour of quartz. I see a dog run up to me "nala" I think in my head "you died 3 years ago why are you here?". Nala was running around but, why was she there? It didn't make sense "mommy" I hear someone say I look behind me and there was a dirt road with two kids. They seemed familiar. I try to get up I wobbled and has piercing pain in my leg and fell down "momma get up" I hear a girl say in my ear I look up "m-m-melody?" I say "yes momma?" She says I was so confused about this "come on mama me and sister need to show you something" I get up, this time when I got up I was perfectly fine. We both went to the dirt rode and another girl was there "momma me and saph are playing house" melody says. Sapphire she's melodys sister her twin how could I be so stupid. Melody was beside me "MOM WATCH OUT" I watch as sapphire gets hit by a car and disappears I look down to see melody she was gone "Zoe" I see my dad "how are you" I was just about to respond until he falls to the ground and disappears into thin are I was now all alone. I felt something sharp hit me in my side

Beep beep beeeeeeeppppppp-

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